not to diss the videos, cuz the vids are fine...some video is better than no video, but i was wondering why lane 1 doesn't make their own more professional looking video. the music, slow-mo stuff is just fluff to promote the ball/band.
i was wondering if yall were familiar with the nice brunswick videos that are on the international site...those are really nice. they appear to be done at the test facility, they even use throwbot on some...those videos seem so much more informative to me, lets you actually see a comparison between different balls and tells you the lines that are being played as well as the pattern. from these videos you get a much better feel for what the ball is able to do. more informational and promotional at the same time.
the lane 1 videos that are out there just show the balls hooking like mad, getting crazy action, messengers...sure that is nice and all, but you can make pretty much nething hook or look good with editing, more like a highlight pretty sure that when the ball is hooking the entire lane it is being thrown no thumb...a style i would imagine not that many people actually use.
basically, after that rant, im just wondering why the vids are not as professional as i have seen on other sites, very few sites have good videos... to me, if you want to be taken seriously in the business world you need to be as professional as you can, including stuff on the website. the site itself is also not very professional looking, but that is another issue. has anyone else noticed that in almost all the animations of the balls they appear to hook, unrealistically, like the entire lane...