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Author Topic: Lane#1's "product guarantee" question continued...  (Read 5588 times)

Mr Buzzsaw

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Lane#1's "product guarantee" question continued...
« on: January 15, 2008, 08:43:20 AM »
I don't like it when topics are locked. Debating is good. It's a good way to get more information and learn learn, so keep it going if you like.

X-fest & strider, maybe I could have handled it better, but there's been a lot more going on than just asking for a replacement ball. I'm sick and tired of all these know it alls bashing my product because it cost more up front than other companies stuff, that if our ball is so good, why don't the pro's use it, blah, blah, blah... It gets to you after a while.

I'll put my product up against anyone else's anytime. I'll also put my drilling knowledge up against anyone who wants the challenge. I stand by my product and will replace balls for almost any reason because you're not happy. I'm not in other forums blasting their product like other companies reps do. I'm not like that, but maybe I should start?

I'm sorry if I didn't come across all that well, but when people keep beating you up and putting you down, after a while it's time to stand up for myself and fight back. I don't like having to do it, but enough is enough.



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Re: Lane#1's "product guarantee" question continued...
« Reply #46 on: January 17, 2008, 12:21:02 PM »

You had to have known that bringing this up 'piece meal' without any real detail would open a can of worms. No one, except you and Richie, know all the details surrounding the event, so it would end up going nowhere. Rehashing this the way you and the Mouse did was a guaranteed loser, so what were you thinking?

You didn't like Richie's tone, and Richie didn't like the way he was approached. Sounds like a typical encounter in everyday life.

Again, if your intent was to truly provide benefit to your bowling team, there was an opportunity here that was missed. Learn from it. And grow a little skin. You do provide value to ballreviews, so take a deep breath and let it go.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"


You need to go back and Reread what Richie said

"If a college team asked me to comp out a ball for them to use, I would gladly do it. "  Notice the word IF.  So to say there was a missed opportunity is false.  

When the letter was given to him, he didn't offer to give them a ball to use instead.  He told them that would not be giving them a ball because they wanted to make money off it, when in actuality, they were trying to raise money to cover travel and tournament costs.  Never was a situation to benefit the team presented before it was presented in this thread.

Maybe, since you weren't involved in it, you need to be the one to let it go.
It IS next year!


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Re: Lane#1's "product guarantee" question continued...
« Reply #47 on: January 17, 2008, 12:29:05 PM »
You're a troll with a dictionary, nothing more, nothing less.
You tell DJ he offers value to BR, you know what Steven?
Hes bigger and better than BR, whether you want to admit it or not.
He has much more to offer than to bicker with a no name clown like yourself.

He deserves better than being told to get over it and grow a pair.
How old are you? seriously.

I know for a fact hes gone out on a limb for many people in the past, its funny how so many forget that, and just remember what hes done in the last 15 minutes.

Im done with this thread, and you know what?

I contemplated leaving BR as a new years resolution, but I hung onto hope that things would turn around, I can see that the attitude will never change.
Respected member or not, the slime still drips from the walls, and the lights get dimmer with time.

I'm done with BR too, enjoy the slime pit that this site had become Steven, people like you have done a great job making everyone feel welcome. Keep apologizing for Lane #1, and continue to be blind to customer mistreatment.
Its called brainwashing.

ID MegaMav terminated after 3410 posts.


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Re: Lane#1's "product guarantee" question continued...
« Reply #48 on: January 17, 2008, 12:44:02 PM »
OK, this is getting a far too melodramatic, now everyone is going to stop using the site? Its a public forum, knowing that, you open yourself up to PUBLIC CRITICISM. If you do not or cannot handle that, frequent other forums or simply refuse to acknowledge unsavory users. But leaving the site totally? How old are you?
Mea Culpa
NLMB 150 Dream Team


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Re: Lane#1's "product guarantee" question continued...
« Reply #49 on: January 17, 2008, 12:54:23 PM »
Keep apologizing for Lane #1, and continue to be blind to customer mistreatment.
Its called brainwashing.

wow, just wow.

first, I feel sorry for DJ and what transpired, not being in the conversation I will not speculate on one part of it, it was between Riche and DJ, none of us

Fact #1 the letter was written by a parent, not by the team, not by the coach and not by the players.  Correct?
Fact #2  Lane #1 is continually bombarded by comp requests.  Where do you draw the line?
Fact #3 Lane #1 was an early sponsor of this site, and did many things early to assure its survival.
Fact #4 obviously miscommunicaton took place intially and BOTH PARTIESchose to let it die, a third person brought it up here.  At what point to we let sleeping dogs lie, sounds like both DJ and Richie had decided to do this.  

As far as customer mistreatment as mav states, dont believe it happened as a blantant mistreatment, I, do, however believe both parties were offended by the other.

Lane #1 offers up some of the best customer service in the industry.  most are good, but lane #1 seems to stand a little taller in this area.

Given the number of requests for comped equipment, I am pretty sure they have standards they look at.  I have known them to comp stuff for local tourneys to help promote the sport.  From the sounds of this discussion (which by the way is way off target as to what this thread was really about) The equipment was wanted so it could be raffled off and then the proceeds used to purchase other equipment (once agian maybe a miscommunication?)  now if someone had stated a ball or two to raffle off and use the funds to benefit the team via travel expenses or what not, the results may have been different.  having dealt with all the major players as far as customer service and treatment, there is no comparison.  Lane #1 does it the best, the others are good but lack in "true customer service" and by that they seem more interested in passing the buck back to distribs for fixes (and most distribs are all about the money and not taking care of the little guy)

This whole post has taken a tangent and it is unfortunate, feelings are getting hurt and people are leaving, and it drives corporate heads away from here, why come in and post when someone is gonna hammer you beyond reason (this goes for both sides)  It is a sad sad day when bashing a corporate head or a nobody on the internet becomes "your thing"
I read stuff on here too and it makes me angry as I know the story and typically the person doing the pot stirring has no clue.  

bit of advice, dont speculate, if you cant add positively in a constructive way, dont do it.


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby

Joe Jr

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Re: Lane#1's "product guarantee" question continued...
« Reply #50 on: January 17, 2008, 01:07:36 PM »
The bickering and word twisting back and forth of some of the most avid of their users on this forum is what makes some outsiders frown on the company. That's because some of the personalities and users of their products on this board act like complete nutcases that live in a world where their own beliefes and thoughts are the only thing that matters and if you don't see things how they see it then you are completely wrong and can go to hell for it. Craziness. I have been nothing but respectful in the way I handled this situation and my overall views on Mr. Spotsato and Lane 1. It is a shame that some of you people are making me want to take this in another direction completely. Therefore this is my last post in here and on period! I will forever let you guys have the last word, because it seems like you insist on having it and turning it the way you want to see it anyway.

I hope you don't leave here DJ your one of (Very)few good people left on here...

Oh and I agree with you 100%, the same people mindlessly standing behind this company are the ones doing the most damage to it's reputation.
My Vid
Formerly Brunswick Lefty & Richard Cranium

Quote from Conspirator300:
And yeah, I do know it all.. I don't spend 30+ hours a week learning more about bowling for my heatlh... I do it so I know more than all of you.. which I do. (besides the random few that are staffers/work in the bowling business.. which that population is decreasing little by little)


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Re: Lane#1's "product guarantee" question continued...
« Reply #51 on: January 17, 2008, 01:49:10 PM »
Oh and I agree with you 100%, the same people mindlessly standing behind this company are the ones doing the most damage to it's reputation.

I'm sorry you feel that if someone has convictions to a company or thought it's what you call "mindless". In some parts thats called open debate. To have an opinion is a fault now? I'll stand behind a company I feel is right in whats it's doing or trying to do in a competitive market such as this. From a conversation with Lane #1 about this original subject (the non-replacing of a miss drilled or laid out ball) they haven't heard from anyone in Australia in quite a while. So when or where did he get this "misinformation" for the layout of the drilling? On top of it all why did this man express this failure on a website and not contact the company first. Lets try to exhaust every avenue to remedy the problem before taking that long walk off the short pier or the short rope and a tall tree syndrome into open forum jousting.

As far as the giving away merchandise YES giving away... people call it comp. WOW just think if you went to a car dealership and asked for a "comp" van for your H.S. or college team.. I'm laughing thinking about what they would say to you...let me guess it would go something like this (Mr. Smith sure we'll give the 35,000 dollar fully loaded caravan no problem...return it? hell no keep it then sell it on eBay if you choose to)..I think not. Bowling balls are Lane #1's bread and butter as is the 35,000 dollar caravan to the dealership...Lets put it all into perspective please..then we can all settle down and enjoy the fruits of what ever companies balls you choose to use and score with..


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Re: Lane#1's "product guarantee" question continued...
« Reply #52 on: January 17, 2008, 01:57:09 PM »
why did this man express this failure on a website and not contact the company first. Lets try to exhaust every avenue to remedy the problem before taking that long walk off the short pier or the short rope and a tall tree syndrome into open forum jousting.

because he KNEW the debate he was starting,

big laddle small pot, stir vigorously


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby


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Re: Lane#1's "product guarantee" question continued...
« Reply #53 on: January 17, 2008, 09:56:40 PM »
ok im gonna add my 2 cents to this topic . and coming from someone who has been out of the sport for 12 years and just got back into it this year its completely unbiased. and to be honest ive never evn heard of lane#1 til recently so to buzzsaw i think that taking a stand for yourself and your company was absolutely the right thing to do without a doubt you cannot let people to continuesly bash you and your company so kudos for takeing a stand. i am a brunswick and morich user and to tell you the truth ive never even gave it a thought on trying some different equipment but after reading all this chilish bullchit and you and your company how you handled the situation i just might try your stuff what i am getting it here is you did nothing to hurt you or your company by sticking up for youeselves in my opinion you only made it stronger keep it up guys


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Re: Lane#1's "product guarantee" question continued...
« Reply #54 on: January 18, 2008, 12:16:14 AM »
I'm with you budz. I mean the only thing that bothered DP was richie's lack of professionalism, nothing more, so he says.

Like I stated earlier, the letter came from a team members mother and was asking for free merchandise for whatever reason. To me, this was the initial lack of professionalism, to have someones mother representing the college.

It would be hard for me to take that seriously and not think that maybe this kids mother was trying to get her son some free equipment, who knows..?

So, if Richie acted un-professionally, he was just responding in the same fashion as it was presented to him.

Remember what someone once said...Treat/do unto others as you would like them to treat/do unto you. Richie was just folowing the rules. Job well done my son/Richie..!! =:^D


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Re: Lane#1's "product guarantee" question continued...
« Reply #55 on: January 18, 2008, 02:24:42 PM »
How Would You Do That?

Josh Leuze