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Author Topic: Arthritic Fingers  (Read 2492 times)


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Arthritic Fingers
« on: December 03, 2003, 12:22:36 AM »
I am begining to feel a little pain in my fingers after long tournaments. Would switching to a SAW reduce the need for extreme revs and take the stress off my fingers.



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Re: Arthritic Fingers
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2003, 03:24:59 PM »
getting relief in the pitch of your fingers will take some of the stress off your fingers. I also wear a glove to give me a little grip so as to take additional stress off my fingers.
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Re: Arthritic Fingers
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2003, 03:40:24 PM »
This is a delicate topic. You possibly need a pitch change or have your grip looked at from a IBPSIA Pro Shop. True after long periods of bowling yeah the hand might yet sore throwing 14/15/16 lbs for hours and many games but mostly not.
Are you using finger grip inserts? Maybe they are too big? Too small? You torque your hand? The questions could go on and on from a Pro Shop driller perspective. Having it looked at is the best advice. You asked if a BUZZSAW would help with that, unfortunately my personsal opinion and many will agree is no. You need to have your pitches/grip looked at. No matter what ball you are throw being it a Lane #1, Ebonite, Hammer etc. it comes down to the pitch/grip. If properly done you can hit on any ball with no pain. Do some BUZZSAWS rev up early to help with weaker hand releases, yes but before you do any buying you need to have what I mentioned about checked. When that is fixed throw anything you want. The most important thing right now is having that hand/fingers checked before further hurting. Not looking for a ball to help the pain.

Oh I forgot to ask. Do you really have artheritis?? Or is everything fine except after bowling long periods at a time?

Mike Savoia
Lane #1 / Vise Pro Staff
Area 300 Pro Shop

Edited on 12/3/2003 4:41 PM

Edited on 12/3/2003 4:43 PM


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Re: Arthritic Fingers
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2003, 02:48:44 AM »
Thanks KillerInstinct! Lets hope RackTheRipper reads it and takes it to heart.
Mike Savoia
Lane #1 / Vise Pro Staff
Area 300 Pro Shop


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Re: Arthritic Fingers
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2003, 09:04:20 AM »

Lets hope RackTheRipper reads it and takes it to heart.
And Jabroni too.
In the old days, they used axes to chop up wood...Nowadays, they use "BUZZSAWS".
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Re: Arthritic Fingers
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2003, 06:39:04 PM »
Being a senior and having thrown many spans and pitches, more often than not, as we grow older spans need to be shortened and pitches changed to help compensate for loss of flexibility in the fingers, add to that for some of us, the ends don't bend as far as others so this adds to longer span problems in the fingers.

Personally I still use a slightly longer span than recommended although still shorter than younger days. The recommended span feels like a conventional so after longer sessions I still feel some pain for a few days.
Not muscling and letting gravity work helps a lot too.



If you add reverse pitch to the fingers, you normally need to lengthen the span to accomodate the different grip. If you keep the finger pitch the same, shorten the span will add a degree of comfort.

having gone thru many changes, I'd suggest pitching the thumb towards zero (which usually requires a shoter span to fit the hand correclty); this pitch change makes it much easier to hold onto the ball, to use the hand's available strength to a better purposes.

(FYI many pros even shorten the span more, so what they really do is add forward thumb pitch to make it even EASIER to hold onto the ball.)

Back or reverse pitch on the fingers is more important solely because as we get older out joints lose flexibility. If you use soft finger inserts, you lose no power and you can rev the ball like a kid again.

Check with your driller: first thing he should do is pick up your hand start checking how flexible your first joint is on your middle and ring finger. If he doesn't do that, find another driller. You need someone who reconizes your personal need and has some in-depth knowledge of these facts. Heck, even kids with finger injuries need to do this.

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Re: Arthritic Fingers
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2003, 03:49:20 AM »
Rack,  Charlest is 110% correct in suggestions.  Only comment is, change only one thing at a time to narrow down the trial and error process.  You can change your finger pitches easily to reverse pitch (try 1/4 away from where you are now) and usually it does the trick(if you haven't done too much damage).  The reverse pitch on the fingers place your hand in a position that does not require as much hand rotation to release the ball, so you are able to physically release sooner with your fingers then with forward pitch.  If the span feels funny after that, then change the span per Char's recommendations to get the right feel.  Keep trying until you get a good feel, but it's always easiest to know whether you like or dislike a change when it's an isolated situation.  Good luck and hope this helps...feel free to contact me directly if you need further assistance.
Rick Leong
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