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Author Topic: Ball Replacement  (Read 863 times)


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Ball Replacement
« on: February 16, 2005, 09:34:01 AM »
im thinking about swapping a couple of my balls to get my aresenal more up to date. the balls im gonna swap are prlly the cranberry and blueberry, both great balls, but getting on the old side.

both of these balls are what i use to cover medium oil conditions. the cranberry is setup to go long and snap hard, and blueberry setup stacked leverage, so it is early roll and an arcing reaction.

the balls that im thinking about are the dirty bomb to replace the cranberry and the solid uranium to replace the blueberry. i think the specs of the balls are pretty similar, just wondering if yall think that by doing this i will be creating a bigger hole in my aresnal. also any other suggestions on what balls might be good to replace the cranberry and blueberry.



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Re: Ball Replacement
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2005, 07:04:30 AM »
Well if your cranberry does indeed go long and snap I see no problem in going with the Dirty Bomb even though your going from solid to pearl cover.  As far as the blueberry well mine was very strong as is the solid uranium but the solid uranium is much more aggressive cover wise than the blueberry.  So regardless of drill the solid is going to roll earlier than your BB with the same surface prep.  I would do one of two thing here.  Either get a Solid U and change the surface, it is 800 grit box, I would either go higher grit smooth or polish it, or you could get the hybrid dirty bomb which is smooth and lengthy by nature I would just slap a pin under fingers drilling on it and kick the cg out some to get it to read earlier and then you can get a good arch out of it and to me you have a much more versatile ball than the Solid Uranium.
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Re: Ball Replacement
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2005, 09:00:48 AM »
thx for the input, the cranberry is highly polished, and when matched with the layout it is very long and snappy on the back, like the silver diamond, but way stronger. do you think my SCB(label) and solid U will overlap/be too similar in nature? if so what else should i get, dont really want a hybrid cuz from what i have seen the reaction is all on the backend, not as even arcing as i want for my medium ball. my observation was also confirmed when i looked at the tech info on the lane 1 site. any help is appreciated.