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Author Topic: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock  (Read 2515 times)


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Lane 1 and 900 Global or whatever is going to use a BASF coverstock maybe modified for 900 Global and therefore Lane 1, but it is still the base for Columbia coverstocks.  Looks like 900Global will buy Columbia coverstock material maybe with an additive and use that to pour 900Global bowling balls and Lane 1 bowling balls.  I don't think 900Global is going to makes its own coverstock material.

So what we will have is Lane 1 bowling balls made of old Columbia coverstock material with the posibility of 900Global adding an additive so they can say its not a Columbia coverstock material and we the buyer think Lane 1 got away from using old Columbia coverstock material.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2007, 10:35:34 AM »
Interesting post...I would like to hear more. Where can I find the sources of this information?


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Re: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2007, 10:50:57 AM »
Nic: I think it's a reach to speculate about the 900 Global covers that will be made available to Lane#1. Nobody knows or will know for at least a few more months.

Regardless, not all of us are sour on Columbia covers. I have Columbia equipment I still use, and no real complaints on their covers (at least from my experience).

If it's time for you to move on from Lane#1, so be it. I think most of the faithful are going to be willing to give the 900 Global based covers and honest chance.
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Re: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2007, 11:54:33 AM »
Interesting post...I would like to hear more. Where can I find the sources of this information?

I second that. A source of info would be nice. Too much hearsay floating around these days.
Think about it!

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Re: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2007, 02:09:30 PM »
I also am a diehard Lane 1 fan except the G-Force.  I had two, driled differently and I just plugged one and I am re-drilling it to really give the Lane 1/Columbia a chance to work for me.

I will also give Lane 1 and 900Global a chance oncce the new Lane 1 equipment comes out.  I just don't see Lane 1/900Global using Columbia coverstocks on their new line of bowling balls.

Yes, I understand that Columbia has worked well for many bowlers, but not for the majority.

I have spent many hours and much dollars testing bowling balls and Columbia just didn't work.  I used Track for a while and I liked their weightblock/coverstock much better then Columbia but Track's coverstock didn't hold up well either.  If I don't have 125 bowling balls either under my bed, on the rack or in the bowling ball room that I have personally tested I don't have one.

Right now I throw the Evolution Tour, Hybrid megatons and the EU.  I also started throwing the Massive Impact again to go between the Evolution Tour and the Hybrid Megatons.

So I think I have been pretty fair with my assesment of Colmbia Bowling balls.

When Lane 1 comes out with their new line, I will be one of the first to order, but I won't continue to throw Lane 1 blindly.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 6/26/2007 2:31 PM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

mini kahuna

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Re: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2007, 03:31:14 PM »
I just started using a G force and am very happy with it,I think the combo of lane 1 and Phil and his group[global] with put out some great equipment.
coverstock and core match are what make great balls.
Ritchie's cores always roll great,with carry and Phil has developed great coverstocks in the past and present,look for big things from these guys!!


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Re: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2007, 08:13:36 PM »
Well with the exception of the G-Force Nebula and Red XXXL I've owned every Lane#1 ball in the past 2 years and the only ball I didn't like was the Solid Cobalt.  I use my Solid G-Force and Carbide Plus the most and neither ball gives up.  For me I don't care who pours it, long as it works...

mini kahuna

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Re: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2007, 08:43:30 AM »
I do not think Phil Cadinale has ever used or dealt with the diamond core,the diamond core is Richie Sposato's property and trademark.
the way coverstocks are conceived is up to the designers"Phil and Richie in this case",to tell the chemical techs"Bayer/BASF" what they want.
they are not locked into using brunswick or columbia or other formulations,there are probably a million combinations and traits they can tweak and play with to get what they are looking for.
bottom line is their equipment will not be columbia or brunswick or whatever knock offs.


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Re: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2007, 10:00:50 AM »
Yes, I understand that Columbia has worked well for many bowlers, but not for the majority.

I have spent many hours and much dollars testing bowling balls and Columbia just didn't work. I used Track for a while and I liked their weightblock/coverstock much better then Columbia but Track's coverstock didn't hold up well either. If I don't have 125 bowling balls either under my bed, on the rack or in the bowling ball room that I have personally tested I don't have one.

Nic: There is no question you're a ballaholic and have 'tested' more than most. But it's impossible for one bowler to throw 125 balls enough to get a long term read on any given piece. It takes months of continuous use of a given ball to evaluate longevity, tollerance to cover adjustments, etc., and you can't do that without focus on a smaller subset of equipment. Given this, you can't make an absolute statement that "Columbia doesn't work the majority". I don't recall getting your official survey in the mail for that one.
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Re: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2007, 01:35:23 PM »

You are corret in that I couldn't possibly test every ball I own or have own to its end.  I did however throw a lot of Brunsick and Columbia bowling balls on different conditions and drillings.  I tried a couple of Roto Grips, Dynothanes, Storm, Lanemasters, AZO as well as a few others, but I tested many Brunswick and Columbia bowling balls before deciding to throw Lane 1.

Columbia has worked well for some bolwers, but Columbia has been in financial trouble (might not be the right word but it will work) for some time now.  They threw out some garbage of remakes, old cores, old coverstocks and a blend of coverstocks.  They had not kept up with the R&D and used old stuff at todays prices.

Also they had difficulty at the factory with weightblock placement in the cores.  You could ost times get the ball legal, but becaue of the weightblock placement you couldn't get the reaction from the ball that was touted or expected.

Now this is just my opinion and I welcome others.  But this is bowling ball website for information, conversation and opinions.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2007, 02:02:55 PM »
Now this is just my opinion and I welcome others. But this is bowling ball website for information, conversation and opinions.

I understand agree. What caught my eye was your statement about the 'majority' opinion on Columbia. That's a bold and difficult opinion to substantiate outside of your own personal experience.

My current Columbia balls are a WOW Particle and WOW Pearl. Thet both work OK, especially in the case of the WOW Pearl. It's my primary practice ball with hundreds of games, and still works great. The Particle reacts well to sanding and polishing, and as long as I maintain it well (as for all balls), no issues.

So given this, there is nothing inherently wrong with BASF coverstocks. It's all in the specific formulations, and given Phil's past history, I don't think he'd accept anything less than quality manufacturing.

As for the other Columbia problems you referenced:

difficulty at the factory with weightblock placement in the cores. You could ost times get the ball legal, but because of the weightblock placement you couldn't get the reaction from the ball that was touted or expected.

These should have no bearing on Lane#1 production. New team, new processes moving forward. At least that's what we should expect from here on out.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"

Edited on 6/27/2007 2:04 PM

mini kahuna

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Re: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2007, 02:14:21 PM »
nicanor,I understand what your saying,not matching up with bowling balls is a real frustrating place to be.
it is very easy to get lost in the equipment jungle nowadays.
columbia coverstocks were not working for me,I didn't like anything with the M80 family of coverstock,I couldn't get it to work for me at all.
anything soaker covered either.
now I don't know if my g-force is an M80 family cover or not,but it works great for me.
if you find a coverstock that works for you stay with it,if you try a ball and it doesn't work for you,make a note of the coverstock used and stay away from it.


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Re: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2007, 09:50:02 AM »
I also had not luck with the orginal soaker.  But I only tried it with one drilling and just the orginal soaker ball.  I still have it.

I just got finished with another drilling on the G-Force and hope to try it as soon as I find a little oil.  There seemes to be an oil shortage here in San Diego as well as a water shortage.

I will order the first ball that Lane 1 and 900Global come out with.  I have not given up on Lane 1 and I look forward to bowling with Lane 1 bowling balls again.  I just hope that I match up better with the new line.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

mini kahuna

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Re: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2007, 10:02:51 AM »
I find that when I don't matchup well with a coverstock,redrilling with a different layout doesn't do much for me,give it a shot with your ball,but I bet it will still be the same,let me know how it works out.

mini kahuna

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Re: BASF or BAYER Lane 1 is still going to use a Columbia coverstock
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2007, 02:39:06 PM »
I couldn't of said it better,crook you are right on about how coverstocks come to be and are designed.