Nicanor: I will report back as soon as I have any experiences. I'm hoping for late Friday afternoon because I can bowl right before and right after the lanes are stripped and re-oiled. But as Strider just pointed out in another Lane#1 thread, everything reacts almost the same on a fresh THS. All I really want to accomplish at first is to try to understand the claims the ball doesn't move on anything. With fresh backends, I'd find that hard to imagine, but we'll see.
I want to see what exact pin and top weight I got before deciding on any drill, but I'm leaning towards pin on the vertical grip line directly below the fingers, with the CG kicked to the right. Of course, necessary balance whole on the PAP. I've had success with this drill on other equipment, including most recently the Enriched Uranium. It provides a good compromise between mid-range and backend. I'll e-mail Lane#1 to make sure I'm thinking right here, so we'll see.
I have no doubt many who have reported problems here have a mismatch between release, rev rate, and BB drill. The more aggressive the cover/core, the more sensitive reaction is to drilling. I've seen other aggressive pieces labeled as a 'dud' because the bowler maxed out the drill, but didn't have the release/speed to compliment the layout. I'm not saying that's necessarily true in Nicanor's case, but it does happen -- a lot.
And I'll be as honest as possible. I am primarily Lane#1, but I haven't oozed kool-aid over every release. There are just too many credible testers who have given this ball an excellent rating to not give the BB a chance.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"