I've got a BCB that I'd like to adjust the cover on. It's currently in the matte state right now with a stacked drilling---pin to the right and slightly above the ring finger with the Cg stacked vertically in line with the pin. There is an X-hole in the thumb postitive quadrant. I liek the reaction that I'm getting but would like to increase the "grab", if you will, a little earlier.
I've read on here that the cover on this ball is a little particular about adjustments and doesn't seem to handle it well. I'd like to hae the pro shop guy use Hook-It on the ball.
Will this ruin the reaction,or do as it says on the spray bottle and give the ball a little more reaction??? I do clean all my stuff with alcohol after use in league,and during league also,plus I get them cleanes with reactive cleaner once a week. The cleaning I'm doing before league is on the spinner with a microfiber towel, and hand cleaning with the same towel during league.
Thanks in advance for all replies.........
Lane#1--nothing else hits like 'em.