I'm going to try to bring this back up in a more serious thread, since one of them has turned into a flame war. I'm looking for answers on what happened Sunday.
First of all, I'm not a Lane #1 guy. That's not to say I haven't used Lane #1 equipment and liked it. I bought a Buzzsaw C/2 pearl, the red one, when it first came out. I put 300 or more games on that ball, loved it, and then gave it to a teammate who was learning how to throw a hook. He's put about 200 games on it since then, and he loves it too. Getting 500 games -- good ones -- out of a ball is something to be proud of. I've never been one to criticize Lane #1 for overcharging as a result of my real-life test.
However, I've recently had a very bad experience with a Lane #1 ball and what was happening to Chris Loschetter was exactly what happened to me. I bought a Golden Nugget earlier this year and had it drilled up at the start of league season with the thought of making it my primary ball. I throw the ball a great deal like Loschetter does in terms of speed, axis and (going off what he was *trying* to do Sunday) preferred line to the pocket.
Well, I finally gave up about three weeks ago after my average dipped about 10-15 pins from last year. When I first got the ball, I tried using it in box condition. It simply refused to hook very much at all, no matter what line or speed I was trying at the time. I bought it wanting a ball that would give me a smooth, powerful arc; what I got was a weak reaction, but good hitting power on the off occasion when I actually made it to the pocket.
I had my pro adjust the surface (dulling it), and this helped. But I was still limited to down-and-in lines, mostly. I bowl in a house with a medium to medium-wet shot.
I continued to work with it at home, scuffing it with a pad and trying it the next week, and so on. I never could get the ball to stop over/under (usually under), and after a dozen weeks or so, my confidence in the ball was just shot. I sold it not long ago.
What made me post this is the reaction (or lack of) that Loschetter was getting from his equipment mirrored almost exactly what I was getting from my Nugget. I realize Loschetter didn't just waltz into the TV finals, so he had to bowl well with something all week.
I guess what frustrates me is that I'd like to use Lane #1 equipment at some point again down the road, but I worry that my problems were due to some kind of surface issue with Lane #1 equipment that makes it imperative the bowler is very accurate. I'd like to be, but I'm not. I average 190, but I need a ball with some recovery. My Nugget didn't have it. When I was spot-on, I usually got rewarded, but if I was off by a fraction, bye-bye.
And, of course, the price of Lane #1 equipment makes it too risky for me to try something else until I'm sure I can get a reasonable experience out of it the next time. I also agree with others that think Loschetter should have changed balls, and that most of his problems Sunday were of his own doing. But then again, I'd assume Chris Loschetter is far more accurate than me, a lowly league bowler, and he wouldn't have the same kind of operator error problems I have. Has Lane #1 made some kind of major change in its coverstock construction?