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Author Topic: Lane 1 staying with Brunswick?  (Read 1268 times)


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Lane 1 staying with Brunswick?
« on: September 18, 2005, 12:00:13 PM »
I hate to bring this up again, and hope I didn't miss the answer if it was addressed in an earlier post, but is it believed Lane 1 will continue to use Brunswick coverstocks after they move their plant out of the country?  I really hope not, for as nice a match as Big B covers are for the diamonds and bombs, I hope Lane 1 makes a stand and finds another company to use, or tries to manufacture their own.  Their balls are good enough to stand on their own, and I believe will work well with a variety of different types of covers.  I e-mailed them about this subject, and didn't get a response, so I thought maybe some people here would know, thanks everyone.



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Re: Lane 1 staying with Brunswick?
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2005, 09:18:58 PM »
Thanks Ga1tor, that's what I wanted to know, nice to hear at least they're flexible about possibly moving if the quality doesn't stay where it's at now.  We'll have to wait and see.


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Re: Lane 1 staying with Brunswick?
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2005, 11:13:31 AM »
If you check, it would amaze you to know that many well know companies that operate in the US, are owned by foreign companies. Do we complain that Chrysler is owned by a German company..? Therefore, most of the profits go to Germany, not the US.

As a matter of fact, it's hard to know which products you buy are really American owned companies. At least Brunswick is still American owned and/or headquartered in the US.

It's a touchy situation, but how many of the golf clubs you own are made in the US..? Do we even care..?

Is it better to be made in the US, but the owners of the company are foreigners..? Or, is it better to be made outside the US, with it being US owned, and the profits staying home..?

It's a global economy, and this is how things are today. =:^D


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Re: Lane 1 staying with Brunswick?
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2005, 12:21:16 PM »
You're right BrunsRich, we won't have a choice, other than discontinue bowling, which I don't think many of us will do, and hope not given the decline bowling is already under, or just grin and bear it.  You're also right in that each individual bowler will make their own choice, and only the future will hold whether this was a good move for Brunswick's company or not.  If I find out every bowling shoe made was made outside this country, I'm stuck, because I love the sport too much to just give up over this.  If I have a choice, I'm going to try and go with American companies, or at least companies that are run and operated here.


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Re: Lane 1 staying with Brunswick?
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2005, 12:24:05 PM »
What choice will you have then?

he'll probably then go around the world seeking the company that offers workers the highest wage & best benefits.

and in a gut wrenching decision...

he chooses to go back to brunswick, who offered a $2.10/hour wage.
and benefits?
who needs benefits in mexico when you have tequila!
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    Re: Lane 1 staying with Brunswick?
    « Reply #5 on: September 19, 2005, 12:31:29 PM »
    This is a touchy subject with a lot of people. Those who care anyway. I have made my position known as well about the move to mexico. T-God, it is bad that a lot of original American companies are now owned/operated by foreign interests, however with a lot of them at least the plants are here & they employ workers here in the U.S. Whether they are citizen workers or not, I cannot say. The companies that move outside of the U.S. borders for whatever reasons,usually greed, I cannot & will not support. I love the lane 1 line & would hate to be without them, but I now have 14 buzzsaws, some still undrilled & will probably not require any more in the future. Unfortunately selling out our country is now the trend, & when you have no concern for Americas workers, or Americas economy, that is exactly what you are doing.
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    Mr Bass

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    Re: Lane 1 staying with Brunswick?
    « Reply #6 on: September 23, 2005, 07:48:08 PM »
    But I'm going to remember who was the first to go.

    I hate the whole cheap labor concept but I'm praying Brunswick (and other companies to follow) continues to pump out quality products, not just quantity..
    "Smokey this is not 'Nam this is bowling, there are rules"
    "Maybe those Ebonite balls hit too hard. They're too good" -Jason Couch after leaving a stone 8 pin
    "Yeah but the Brunswick ones get all ten though" -Brad Angelo
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    Re: Lane 1 staying with Brunswick?
    « Reply #7 on: September 23, 2005, 08:47:21 PM »
    I always have a hard time when I hear people saying that a company doesn't have to pay a decent wage to people in another country. This is all realative to the conditions in that country. Just because 15$/hr here is a good wage that does not mean that in everyplace in the world company should pay 15$/hr.
    Maybe 2.10/hr is a really good wage in mexico. I know my dollar here in Michigan goes alot farther than a dollar would in NYC for example. Not every company is paying slave wages.

    Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't... you're probably right.


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    Re: Lane 1 staying with Brunswick?
    « Reply #8 on: September 23, 2005, 10:51:13 PM »
    It's not just about wages, it's also about taxes. That's why Daimler-Chrysler choose to have home office in Germany instead of Detroit when they merged. Outsourcing to other countries saves companies millions & takes millions out of our economy.
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