...show up with a bag full of one company's balls. I usually mix and match.
I think this is the first time in 2 years I won't have my trusty pro-pin Storm Paradigm with me. I can take seven balls (state tournament) and I'm going to stick with an all-L1 lineup: Enriched Uranium (matte), Tsunami H20, BuzzBomb/R, Uranium HRG, Hybrid Dirty Bomb (high polish) and XXXL Starburst. The seventh will be either a Supernova XP or a G-Force Evolution. I might take both and leave the HRG at home, too. Can't decide.
This may be the best thing I've ever done or the biggest screw-up. I typically mix companies in case my first look is not there and I need a change, but I've had success stepping down through an arsenal this year that I've decided to try it at state.
My current league shot is low-volume pseudo-THS, with no free hook at the gutter but (lately) decent hold in the middle. Lanes are HPL.
Last year's state shot felt like a stovepipe oil pattern -- felt like 40 feet of heavy oil between the 10s and not a d*mn thing outside 10 down the lane. The result was that balls thrown outside too soon were splitsville, while if you pulled it into the oil it wouldn't finish (and I don't mean weak 10s, I mean dinner buckets). The difference between last year and this is last year we were on HPLs and this year we'll have one set in a BRC center (had older AnviLane the last time I was there, but that was seven years ago) and the other at Lightning Strikes, which hosted televised PBA events back in the mid-2000s and I'm pretty sure they're using AnviLane, too.
Edited on 3/25/2009 12:09 PM