Well I bowled my 1st Regional in a few years this morning here in Albuquerque,NM. I threw my Buzzbomb for the entire 8 game block and ended up +250 for 8games. Granted it was Cheetah but man did the ball roll great. I had (3) 260+ games and I also had (2) 190 games.... Missed a few easy multi pin spares....
The ball is drilled 5x3 with a small,deep hole 5 inches from the center of grip through the CG ....
The ball is also shined with my Secret Sauce and has about 25 games of so on it since I polished it.
If 26 bowlers do not beat me I will be back in the morning to bowl 5 more games. I hope to make the final 16 and bowl for the title......
This ball performed as good ..if not better than all the other balls being thrown...
Keep in mind......I throw 14 lbs....
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
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