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Author Topic: Bullet vs Cobalt  (Read 669 times)

Den Olano

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Bullet vs Cobalt
« on: March 21, 2006, 11:16:44 AM »
I just used my new Cobalt on Monday. I must say it is much stronger than I anticipated(still awesome). I am hoping someone can give me a comparison between the Bullet and the Cobalt. I am looking for something not as agressive for drier lanes.



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Re: Bullet vs Cobalt
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2006, 07:34:26 PM »
Good to hear about the Cobalt, I have one on the way as we speak. If you're looking for a good ball for toast/dry lane conditions, the Bullet is great for that. Don't get me wrong, the ball will still bend but is oil allergic. Hits very hard as well.
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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Bullet vs Cobalt
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 07:44:23 PM »
I agree with the assessment of the Bullet. The ball is one of the best that I've ever had for very dry lanes. It has minimal flare and does not go crazy off the dry. It will still cover some boards, if you want it to, but it mostly wants to go straight. As the other user said, it is allergic to oil: skate city. If you want to add that to your arsenal with a Cobalt, which looks to be a skid-snap type of medium-oil reactive, you should be fine. I would recommend adding more aggressive equipment above those two, but you're certainly off to a good start.
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Randy T

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Re: Bullet vs Cobalt
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2006, 08:34:13 PM »
The Cobalt is MUCH stronger than the Bullet...I thought about getting rid of my Bullet but after using my Cobalt for a few weeks now I will be keeping the Bullet it really is a great ball for dry lanes and of course there always is the XXXL if they are a desert....

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Re: Bullet vs Cobalt
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2006, 08:16:59 AM »
No comparison between the Cobalt and the Bullet. I threw the Cobalt last night on a medium-heavy league shot and the recovery was INCREDIBLE on the squeaky backends. I was playing a small swing shot crossing 12 at the arrows. The Bullet on this same shot would have had me standing far right and playing straight up the 5 board and keeping my speed down. The Bullet is much more limited in it's uses than the Cobalt. The Bullet is fantastic when the lanes go dry, but the Cobalt would be hard to keep on the right side of the lane when the conditions dry up enough for the Bullet to be at it's best.
Jon (in Ohio)
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