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Author Topic: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !  (Read 2243 times)


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Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« on: March 01, 2008, 06:44:58 AM »
Thanks to all who replied, and apologies for the tardy results. While there were not enough submissions to pin down exact data, some patterns did emerge.

Before giving the results I should add that my Buzzbomb finally arrived yesterday. Interestingly enough, I have the right combination of comparative equipment, style, low rev rate, and flood condition to fill in the blanks inthe data. It will be interesting. If I get mine drilled Monday, I'll report after league. If not, it'll be a week... I thought about delaying until I could add my own info, but that would take too long.

PLEASE, don't shoot the messenger. I'm just telling you what the numbers tell me.

General assumptions:

1. The ball appears to be an extremely strong combination, too strong for rev rates classified as med-high and above UNLESS they get the exact specs they need. But then again, weaker balls would give more predictable results in most cases...
2. Most people reported too much rev rate to use this ball effectively, but see notes further down.
3. Slower speeds with low rev rates will have better impressions, and may also benefit from lower top weights.
4. One set of stats was too ridiculously good to match any pattern and was thrown out. Submitter shall remain nameless.
5. There is a small indication (which needs further data) that very high top weight and statics really do matter with this ball for higher rev rates to see success. That's not terribly surprising. Higher rev rates MUST push this ball down the lane to get results.
6. High rev rates and pin under doesn't work well on this ball. You would expect that from the generalizations.
7. Moderate indication this ball doesn't like wood, which would again, make sense.
8. One last note. There may be one "dud" ball in the group, Nicanor's. But there's too much data not filled in to say one way or another.

ON EDIT... I should have added something, and apologizxe for leaving it out. High rev rates that did NOT fare well in the results also had higher ball speed.

Well, that's it from the small sample submitted. I think the data can be substantiated, even with the small sample size.

A. Heavier hands looking for monster hook in the box are getting the wrong ball for the wrong reason.
B. This should be a winner for true low rev players on oil, but mainly impressive for that audience.
C. Way too few low rev people submitted their results to prove the real use of this ball. I'll fix that this week  

Feel free to ask questions about the interpretation. I'll respond when time permits. I'll also accept more submissions, but I have to add that they need to be as complete as possible to validate more than what we already have.
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Edited on 3/1/2008 3:46 PM

Edited on 3/1/2008 8:52 PM



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Re: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2008, 04:36:18 PM »
If you are heavier handed just rough buff right over box, ball still needs medium oil but pushes 3 extra feet and backends much harder. Worked like a charm for me your results will vary and maybe 4k and/or polish is better move for some here.


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Re: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2008, 04:50:36 PM »
Sounds good in theory, but there are too many negative results. As I said before, the simple "it's a match up" issue is equal to burying your head in the sand. Glad it worked for you, but there are a lot who didn't have that luck. I respectfully suggest you can't make that assumption for others.
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Re: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2008, 06:30:23 PM »
From what I've seen, the heavy handers bowl great with this ball with the pin under the bridge and the CG kicked out. Just look at the videos posted. =:^D


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Re: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2008, 07:49:25 PM »
T-God, I was waiting for you to chime in. It's only the 20th time you've mentioned it in threads. Sorry, there are as many negative replies to that layout as positive. Check the length rating in BTM, 10.. That's as early as they come. Add a pin down to that with high revs and speed (which is where the heavy handers who got bad results fall in the data, and the ball's going to have a tendency to burn up early, period.

As you yourself have often said, statics play a bigger role than admitted in Lane 1, right? Now remember, I just got my first Lane 1 yesterday, I've been learning from listening to you. If I don't have sufficient top and side to carry it down, it burns up quick.

Ok, next... Who's going to jump in about polish and the minimal impact of statics?  
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Edited on 3/1/2008 8:51 PM


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Re: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2008, 08:00:03 PM »
plain and simple if you have high rev's and no speed you will have trouble but if you got the speed to match your rev's then the cg kicked out drill is great. The only reason I say this is my pro shop guy who is also a friend throws with high rev's and good speed and its amazing to watch his ball turn the corner and smash the sh*t out of the pocket it turns alot of heads and scores high also. So my theory is high rev's high speed low rev's low speed for this ball great brainstorm huh.


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Re: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2008, 08:20:45 PM »
Actually, the data submitted did NOT support high revs and high speed as a guaranteed combination, but low-mid revs with ball speed 17 or less was. There's enough negative reports in the high rev/high speed category that strongly suggest something is missing. There wasn't enough data to say what, but the pattern is certainly there.
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Re: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2008, 08:38:40 PM »
Lefty, high revs and high speed should be no problem for this ball, especially drilled pin under with the Cg kicked out. Of course, statics will aid in the balls reaction. I think the heavy handers who got bad results either had low speed and maybe low(no) side weight or low overal statics. In any case, there's a solution to the problem. =:^D


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Re: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2008, 09:38:17 PM »
We agree there's an answer, but the data showed that the high speed players had the highest percentage of trouble consistently across all surface preps. That was interesting. Now, that could be a top weight issue, or a lack of side weight. Regrettably, there was insufficient data filled in to pick which item was the problem.

I actually think this ball may prove to be a great fit for me and am anxious to get mine drilled. However, I'm trying to find hook in a box. High rev high speed players already playing a swing just want to hook 40 boards (or at least 20), and this doesn't seem to be the best ball for that market.
My $.02 from the data reported. As I said before, don't shoot the messenger.
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Re: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2008, 10:52:29 PM »
I am higher speed medium rev rate and no tilt, the ball hooked more than my resurgence in box before i changed it. Tell me what your data says now???

My data tells me to use common sense and change the flipping surface to a finer finish if the ball is too early and rolling out.

I am not a Lane 1 poster boy either but all these posts make my head spin from either bad layouts or lack of bothering to change the surface.

We agree there's an answer, but the data showed that the high speed players had the highest percentage of trouble consistently across all surface preps. That was interesting. Now, that could be a top weight issue, or a lack of side weight. Regrettably, there was insufficient data filled in to pick which item was the problem.

I actually think this ball may prove to be a great fit for me and am anxious to get mine drilled. However, I'm trying to find hook in a box. High rev high speed players already playing a swing just want to hook 40 boards (or at least 20), and this doesn't seem to be the best ball for that market.
My $.02 from the data reported. As I said before, don't shoot the messenger.
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Re: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2008, 11:27:10 PM »
Low Speed and low revs and not much hand is what I am and I still haven't gotten up the nerve to buy a BB yet for fear of it failing like other strong balls have done for me in the past. I had also looked at the Cell and the Bite and my driller recommended against those two balls for me saying she felt they would be too strong for me, thus due to that and my past experience with 2-3 other strong balls that failed me and the strength of the BB, I have only sat here reading everyone else's results.
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"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Re: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2008, 12:38:14 AM »
Ric, I hear and respect ya. Please don't misunderstand the "hook in a box" reference. I simply mean that I believe this particular ball will have more success helping a low rev bowler find an edge than a med or high rev bowler find a left (or right) hand turn... I think that's consistent with the BTM review.

Dead/bowling nut, Please continue posting here, because you sure as hell can't understand the simple concepts necessary for a real job... Good Lord...

Please, one more time, listen to what I said... There's not enough to get specific, but you sure as hell can get a pattern from the reviewers. Something causes a high percentage of carry trouble. Specifically what's wrong is not determined, but there is clearly something. Could be low top, mis marked Cg, lots of stuff, but there's something.

Hey Brick, our styles and results on everything else have been pretty similar in the past, and my BB just arrived. Give me until Monday night and I'll tell you what happens to me.  I'm not sure what to expect because I've never rolled a Lane 1 product before, but I'm going to make sure where the Cg is in case there's an issue, and will let you know by Tuesday morning.....

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Edited on 3/2/2008 1:39 AM


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Re: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2008, 08:08:41 AM »
I don't think your data is any good bro! Sorry.

The data was provided by each user. All lefty did was compile the reults.
Jon (in Ohio)


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Re: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2008, 09:18:11 AM »
High rev high speed players already playing a swing just want to hook 40 boards (or at least 20), and this doesn't seem to be the best ball for that market.
All the videos posted are by high rev, high speed players and the ball looks terrific..!!

90 degrees of axis tilt is way too much bro. With your game, I would go with a rico layout. Another layout you might want to experiment with is something with negative side. With 90 degrees of rotation, you need something to help get the rotation to straighten back up. =:^D


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Re: Buzzbomb analysis results are in !
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2008, 01:23:38 PM »
first, thanks for all the work you did ...

I won't get into the issue of how valid was it ... but I will mention this

"4. One set of stats was too ridiculously good to match any pattern and was thrown out. Submitter shall remain nameless."

once you start accepting and rejecting data to your liking, this whole analysis will become invalid.  you are to accept all without involving your own personal opinion.  Doing it your way will allow anyone to dismiss any set of data for any ball and state the opposite using the accepted data.
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