Thanks to all who replied, and apologies for the tardy results. While there were not enough submissions to pin down exact data, some patterns did emerge.
Before giving the results I should add that my Buzzbomb finally arrived yesterday. Interestingly enough, I have the right combination of comparative equipment, style, low rev rate, and flood condition to fill in the blanks inthe data. It will be interesting. If I get mine drilled Monday, I'll report after league. If not, it'll be a week... I thought about delaying until I could add my own info, but that would take too long.
PLEASE, don't shoot the messenger. I'm just telling you what the numbers tell me.
General assumptions:
1. The ball appears to be an extremely strong combination, too strong for rev rates classified as med-high and above UNLESS they get the exact specs they need. But then again, weaker balls would give more predictable results in most cases...
2. Most people reported too much rev rate to use this ball effectively, but see notes further down.
3. Slower speeds with low rev rates will have better impressions, and may also benefit from lower top weights.
4. One set of stats was too ridiculously good to match any pattern and was thrown out. Submitter shall remain nameless.
5. There is a small indication (which needs further data) that very high top weight and statics really do matter with this ball for higher rev rates to see success. That's not terribly surprising. Higher rev rates MUST push this ball down the lane to get results.
6. High rev rates and pin under doesn't work well on this ball. You would expect that from the generalizations.
7. Moderate indication this ball doesn't like wood, which would again, make sense.
8. One last note. There may be one "dud" ball in the group, Nicanor's. But there's too much data not filled in to say one way or another.
ON EDIT... I should have added something, and apologizxe for leaving it out. High rev rates that did NOT fare well in the results also had higher ball speed.
Well, that's it from the small sample submitted. I think the data can be substantiated, even with the small sample size.
A. Heavier hands looking for monster hook in the box are getting the wrong ball for the wrong reason.
B. This should be a winner for true low rev players on oil, but mainly impressive for that audience.
C. Way too few low rev people submitted their results to prove the real use of this ball. I'll fix that this week

Feel free to ask questions about the interpretation. I'll respond when time permits. I'll also accept more submissions, but I have to add that they need to be as complete as possible to validate more than what we already have.
Signature? I don't need no stinking signature...
Edited on 3/1/2008 3:46 PM
Edited on 3/1/2008 8:52 PM