Lane 1 filled the balance hole and drilled a new balance hole in the strangest place. Strange to me at least. The balance hole was at the 5 O'clock position to the thumb almost opposite of the thumb 180 around the ball. If you drilled straight through the thumb to the other side of the ball, the balance hole would be about 1 inch right of that hole.
I threw the ball and my bowtie was about 1 1/2 inches from the balance hole and the flare rings almost cleared the hole and most times did, barely. But thats ok.The first few shots had the ball going staright, almost dead straight. Then I threw the Cell and the Attitude Shift and they were covering the back end very well. Pin is up on the Cell and Attitude Shift and below the ring finger on the Buzzbomb. All surfaces ar about the same.
I noticed that i was trying to help the Buzzbomb hook and coming around the ball a little too far. So I worked a little bit and got a deeper knee bend stayed under the ball and threw through the ball with fingers and the ball came to life. Every time I came around the ball it skidded out and did almost nothing. Stay behind the ball with a little side roll and fingers and the ball was vrey strong. Never as strong as the Cell or Attitude Shift, but I believe its because of the difference in drilling.
I eventually tried a six step approach for the last 15 minutes with some friends that was video taping it on their camera and showed me the footage, and the Buzzbomb was reacting very strong on every shot. I wish they knew how to send me the video, but they don't and I'm not smart enough either. But even in the six step if I didn't get the knee bend and topped the ball the reaction was very limited.
So I'm not saying the ball itself is a dud with this configeration, but very difficult to use. I know if I work on being more consistant with my release, this ball will work very well for me.
Spell check is currently not working, sorry.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Edited on 3/17/2008 7:43 PM
Edited on 3/18/2008 9:48 AM
Edited on 3/18/2008 9:51 AM