**UPDATE** the site is up and im still working on it but here it is for now let me know anything you think should be added im going to add more to it later
http://Http://buzzsawbowling.blogspot.comthis site also now features a shoutbox which is interactive messaging system built within the site that allows me to communicate with anyone the is on the site and logged in to the shoutbox just click the little plus sign on the shout box and enter a user name and password and click register and your all set to go
this site will contain news pictures videos and anything else that i think other bowlers especially SAW HEADS will find useful
if anyone has any videos of themselves using lane#1 equipment or pictures or anything lane#1 related pm me with links to these or send me the files to kingofcars6907@aol.com
upon receiving these files i will post them to the site and give credit to whoever sent me the files.
also for anyone that has a website i will be accepting links to other websites just give me your site and ill put up a link for you (i.e pro shops, other fan sites,news videos whatever)
if anyone wants me to promote their product or business (such as cleaners,polishes,bowling centers towels,accessories etc) i am willing to do that as well for you in return all i ask for is some of your product or a discount on other services that you offer
example if you have are a pro shop and have a cleaner or a polish of some kind and want it on the site i will put it up and a direct link to you to buy it and in return give me a discount on services from you
pm me with all questions and inquiries
when site is finished i will make a new post with the sites official address
Edited on 3/18/2008 7:46 AM
Edited on 3/18/2008 2:55 PM
Edited on 3/18/2008 5:55 PM