Necromancer: You seem to be going over the deep end as far as your rants against this ball. Especially extending the negativity to Lane#1 in general.
I don't have the Cobalt, but I do have other Lane#1's with the base Bomb core (2 Dirty Bombs and a Super Carbide Bomb). Among all the Lane#1 cores, I've found the Bomb core to be the touchiest with respect to layout. Set up aggressively like yours, they can produce an early hook/set reaction, which for many bowlers is a recipe for a weak pocket entry. My Hybrid Dirty Bomb is set up too aggressive (my fault), and it's my least 'loved' saw.
I'm surprised you would take a core you have no familiarity with, and max it out without knowing what you were getting yourself into. It's always better to start with a more neutral drill, and then get more exotic when you have a little experience with the company/line.
In this case, mark this failure up to operator error. Lane#1 has a fine line of equipment, which you would appreciate if you approached things a little more conservatively.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"