what were all the c/2 balls ever released ?
the differences in their covers i.e. strengths and characteristics ?
i got my first c/2 ball and just got done using it, and I am in love.
I would love to have my bag filled w/ c/2 balls, but because they are so old i don't really know much about them.
the one i got was the pink raspberry, and it will never leave my bad, but i want more now............imagine that
so if you guys could help me understand a little but more about this i would appreciate it.
** edit **
if lane 1 was smart ( not knocking my favorite company ) they should give some SERIOUS reconsideration to re releasing this core
it is amazing, and the best carry of any L1 ball i have used
hell i would even buy it if big b made it in mexico as long as they put a powercoil 18 cover on it
course G900 is making some great covers these days also
I''m your huckleberry
Edited on 5/13/2009 2:25 PM