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Author Topic: Cherry Bomb again  (Read 1120 times)


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Cherry Bomb again
« on: October 01, 2004, 06:01:26 PM »
I have the following balls in arsenal right now.
Uranium Solid drilled stacked,
Black Cherry Bomb also drilled stacked,
Cherry Bomb drilled label "high pin" according to the
drill sheet.
I have a medium speed, medium revs and medium to low
axis rotation. My track is somewhere medium to low.
I found out that stacked drillings are the most suitable
for my game as I have experienced with the Uranium Solid and
Black Cherry Bomb. With the Cherry Bomb, I'm having a very
hard time with it, my game is very inconsistant with it.
My assumption is that the drillings on the ball doesn't match
my game because it is too strong for me. It seems that this
ball tends to roll earlier. I would prefer it to skid longer.
Which drilling layout on the Lane #1 drill sheet will fit in?
Please advise, Lane #1 gurus !!!

Edited on 10/2/2004 2:07 AM



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Re: Cherry Bomb again
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2004, 01:10:42 PM »
I know this isn't what you want to hear, but the high pin drilling for somebody with a low track has yeilded a ton of over under reactions with the cherry bomb. I had one and did the same thing, when i first got it i was killing the rack, 288 out of the box! yet once the lanes started to change or i missed by 2 boards it was over. My suggestions are to either polish the crap out of it, and figure on doing it about every 10 games. This seems to keep a good reaction. OR redrill with a control drilling, OR dull it and throw inside the oil with it, but then i think you will see serious overlap in your other equipment. I loved the ball highly polished but as soon as it wore down a lil bit i couldn't use it consistantly, I've seen guys with that drilling with a higher track have success but generally the lower track guys struggle to consistantly get a good reaction out of it. thats my .02


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Re: Cherry Bomb again
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2004, 12:07:09 AM »
Thanks crankncrash. I going to get the ball plugged
today. I am still waiting for more suggestions before the ball gets
a new drilling.

Edited on 10/2/2004 11:58 PM

Edited on 10/2/2004 11:59 PM


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Re: Cherry Bomb again
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2004, 12:28:54 PM »
With your low track, a CG out drilling will give you more control. I would try pin over bridge and kick the CG out 2". Weight hole will be necessary, probably on your PAP. =:^D


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Re: Cherry Bomb again
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2004, 12:45:59 PM »
Thank you so much T-GOD. I have been anticipating
your response greatly.
I think your drilling recommendation for this ball
will be nice since the ball has a 3 - 4 inch pin.
In my previous post I asked which ball to choose
for a medium to heavy condition, you recommended
the Uranium Solid over the Black Cherry Bomb. Looks
like the Uranium Solid does its job very well on
medium heavy conditions. Thank you again for a
such a great advice.