Yep, I use all those products...and I agree about those belt burns. I've just found that a paper towel with a splash of acetone on it will remove the belt marks that remain with just a couple pokes of the index finger.
I just can't bring myself to be horrified that using acetone in this way is some kind of ethical transgression. I remember from past posts that you don't either. I used to use acetone as my main cleaner for a long time before I even found out that it was illegal. I never saw the slightest sign that it damaged any ball in any way--used on a paper towel, it evaporates almost instantly. Not only did it not damage a single ball, I saw substantial evidence that it prolonged their life. It didn't soften them either. Being an engineer and a fanatic for objective numerical information, I bought a durometer to check.
Nevertheless, for the acetone police out there, I no longer use acetone except as stated above for stubborn marks. I get the whole scene covered these days with Clean'N'Dull, Hook-It, Renew-It, and Khameleon Particle Sand. I still have Liquid Sandpaper, but I find that I don't use it much anymore.
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top