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Author Topic: Cobalt or Carbide Plus  (Read 992 times)


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Cobalt or Carbide Plus
« on: April 21, 2006, 09:38:12 PM »
I was looking for something that will finish strong, yet not give me a hockey stick style hook. I love the Lane #1 stuff but I am open to other options. I am a medium-high rev lefty who likes to play the 18-8 on a typical HS, but want a ball I can bring to tournaments and still score playing even deeper on the lane. What do you suggest, Cobalt, Carbide Plus, or something else, and thanks for listening.
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Re: Cobalt or Carbide Plus
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2006, 07:35:58 AM »
Both of these may be a little too condition-specific. By that, I mean the Cobalt will skate on oil. If you have clean backends or a dry outside, then it will work fine. The Carbide+ (although I am purely speculating based on the fact that it is not yet available) may run into problems if the shot starts to dry up. I can forsee chasing the oil inside and then having the ball die before it makes it back to the pocket (flat 10's anyone?).

Based on the (very) little info you have given, I might suggest the Enriched Uranium or the Black Cherry Bomb. I like both of them on the THS. The EU (drilled stacked) is a little smoother for me, while the BCB is a little sharper at the breakpoint. My BCB (drilled Label 1:30) has nice continuation along with a huge amount of track flare. My Cobalt (drilled stacked) is VERY hockey stick (by your definition). On the right condition, it is sweet. However, if it is not the right ball for the shot, you will pull your hair out due to over/under issues.
Jon (in Ohio)
F.O.S. Proud Saw user...see profile.


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Re: Cobalt or Carbide Plus
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2006, 08:38:02 PM »
Sorry about the lack of info, I throw about 17.5-18 mph and prefer to play in deeper on the lane, but will not rule out throwing it 12-8 throwing it harder if it will carry, which is my main problem. I average anywhere from 220-225 in my three leagues in three different centers, but want something to bring out of state (Maine) to bigger tournaments where I have a hard time carrying as I move deeper, which iw where the line seems to set up most of the time on the left side. I want a ball that will carry for me, but still be controllable enough to change hand positions on it and if I need to straighten it out, it will still carry the corners. Thank you for all of your help on this matter. Any drilling tips would be appreciated, as I am not a ball driller but do have limited knowledge of drilling patterns. I seem to like the pin just to the left of the ring, with the cg stacked directly under, or pin directly above the ring with the cg still stacked directly under the pin. Thank yu all for your help.
*There are no stupid questions, just stupid people that ask questions

Lane #1 Buzzsaw Carbide/C
Lane #1 Buzzsaw Carbide LRG
Lane #1 Buzzsaw XL
Columbia Alter Ego
Track Revmaster

Saw Mill

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Re: Cobalt or Carbide Plus
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2006, 12:18:51 AM »
The Carbide Plus will be the ball for a deeper inside line, so lon as there is oil there.  If you check my profile, you will see that we are the exact speed, and I need medium/light to light for my Cobalt, however, when that happens, you will see this ball bend.  I love this so much, I am getting anothere drilled pin above the bridge, and cg kicked right (approx. 5x3 1/2 or 4).

I would suggest the Carbide pluse for starters, and then switch to your Cobalt as the shot dries up.  I believe that with these two balls, and then the new Red XXXL, you will have all you need.  With your speed and rev rate, I would suggest a 4 ball arsenal of the Carbide Plus, Tsunami, Cobalt, and XXXL.  I believe these would suit you very well; after all, they are Buzzsaws.

PS  I was born and raised in the Augusta/Gardiner area of Maine.  I will be there (Lord willing) the last week of July; maybe we could hook up for some Buzzsaw comparisson.  Keep in touch; my cell is 760-559-3932; home is 760-947-2211.

Romans 1:15&16; "So much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you to you that are at Rome also.  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to Greek!

F.O.S. Members, Our Assignment Should We Choose To Accept It,  Polish and Sharpen Up Our Saws; Pins Have Been Spotted, and We Are To Saw 'Em Up!!

Bomb Squad Certified and Licensed Diamond Cutter


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Re: Cobalt or Carbide Plus
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2006, 12:48:29 AM »
Thanks for the info Saw Mill, it is very informative and I believe I am leaning toward the Carbide Plus for the simple reason that I shot my highest sanctioned series (824) with my Carbide/C along with 6 300's with that ball, and the Plus looks like an updated version of that ball. I think if I want something for lighter conditions I will check out the Cobalt as an option. It is nice to see someone else with Maine roots on here ans here is my cell: 207-576-3976, call me up when you head out here and we will hook up for some Saw shooting. Thanks to everyone with your info, it has given me some clarity to some new equipment choices, but I will keep looking on this post for new ideas. Peace, I'm out.
*There are no stupid questions, just stupid people that ask questions

Lane #1 Buzzsaw Carbide/C
Lane #1 Buzzsaw Carbide LRG
Lane #1 Buzzsaw XL
Columbia Alter Ego
Track Revmaster