My XP is drilled label -- pin just above and right of the ring, CG basically grip center, MB in the track left of the thumbhole. The pin is roughly 3.5 away from my PAP on that ball.
I'm hoping the extra inch or so in pin-to-PAP distance with this ball will help.
Ordinarily, I don't like the term "skid/flip." I know a lot of people love watching balls peel off the spot, but I'd rather have a more controllable breakpoint. What I mostly need this ball to do is skid a couple of extra feet and then still recover ably enough.
I drilled a 900Global Link last year and drilled the pin very weak (about 5.25-5.5 inches from the PAP, over the middle finger). I got the length I was looking for, but there wasn't a lot of recovery. And then, for whatever reason, I started getting an over/under problem with the ball on drier lanes. That's the ball I took out of my bag when I put the Chainsaw back in. The Chainsaw does better on dry, but I need something in that medium-dry spot. I'm essentially trying to force the Massacre to be that piece.