last night in my Thursday night league one of my teammates who averages about 155 throwing a old Brunswick from around the 80s He was really strugglin to get to the pocket I noticed he was watching my ball reaction pretty intently during practice after league play started about three frames into it he asked me what he should do I told him to move right on the approach and he did but his ball still would not recover well the day before I was in a house about 45 miles from where I live trying the Cobalt out and a person in there just gave me a BCB which had been plugged about three times I just happend to have it with me on thursday night setting in my bag I pulled it out and told him to try this ball after checking the fit on him it just so happend to be a pretty close fit he started throwing it and bingo he ended up averaging in the low 180s in the early league and the late league the look on his face after using it was like a kid in a candy store it was so good I ended up giving the BCB to him
Don Smith
F.O.S. To the Bone
Bowlingballexchange.com (BBE)
Bowling Kingdom.com
Edited on 3/25/2006 1:39 AM