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Author Topic: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***  (Read 1599 times)


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Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« on: August 28, 2006, 05:41:10 AM »
I've had my Dirty Bomb Pearl for while, I picked it up off the forsale forum a while ago. The ball is drilled pin above, right of ring, CG stacked.

So when I first got the ball I tried it and I couldnt get much of a reaction with it, so I put it away for a while. Well over the last 4-5 months an different times, I've tried all sorta cover preps, grits, polishes...You name, I've done it !

The ball has been through my local proshops "oven" (no oil came out). I've gave the ball hot waters bath(s)...Just nothing seems to work for this ball ?

The cover is in great shape, you can tell theres not many games on it at all, but I just don't get a reaction from it off the dry ?

My Cobalt and my HDB, moves great (both stacked drilled)...Just wondering WTF is up with this ball ?
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Edited on 8/28/2006 1:36 PM

Edited on 8/30/2006 2:02 PM



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Re: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2006, 01:59:27 PM »
Seriously... Take the ball out on open play and shoot 15-20 games with it... I actually had a similar problem with my H20.  Wouldn't react anything like i expected...  Once i got a little track into the ball, the ball rolls awsome, and now is always the first outa the bag.  Brunswick covers take to change very very well, but everytime you change them, they need that break in period again.  Try it and see what happens.
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Re: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2006, 01:59:48 PM »
Not everyone is a matchup to every ball/drill combination. I'd chalk it up to a less than optimal marriage.

I doubt you're experiencing ball death. I've had my Dirty Bomb Pearl for a while, and no lost reaction so far. I actually wish mine would tame down a bit. The way I have it drilled, I have too much kick off the dry -- go figure.

Maybe consider a pattern other than stacked. Don't know what to suggest based on your style, but there is 'reaction' hiding somewhere in that ball.
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Re: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2006, 04:33:56 PM »
stacked drilling and bomb cores have issues


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Re: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2006, 05:04:18 PM »
I had a similar problem with a cherry bomb.  I tried everything I could think of to try and get any reaction from the ball.  It just acted like there was a huge amount of carry down everytime I tried to throw it... it just didn't react on the backend, but at the same time all of my other equipment reacted normal.  I tried the baths... rejuvenator (nothing came out), and all sorts of surface preps (from 600 grit to 2000 grit both polished and matte) with no realy success.  I wrote to lane #1 and they didn't have any ideas either...although they suggested that changing the surface a number of times may have taken the ball "out of round."  I'm not sure if I bought that explaination (and didn't want to spend extra $ to have the ball thrown on a HAUS), so I ended up selling the ball.  We have a couple guys who have thrown cherry bombs for two full seasons now and are still getting good reactions from them, so I still don't know what to think...  maybe every once in a while they were produced with a "dead" coverstock...
good luck.. if you figure anything out, let us know!


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Re: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2006, 05:44:00 PM »
stacked drilling and bomb cores have issues

I could not agree more.  I would recommend something along the lines of a label drilling, or something with the CG kicked out a bit.  Just my opinion
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Re: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2006, 10:29:40 PM »
I truly believe it is about matchup to a bowler's style.  I have a stacked Dirty Bomb that has been my go-to pearl since it came out.  Great reaction off dry, slightly smoother than the Cobalt pearl, and I have a hard time leaving it out of the bag.

Conversely, I have a Cherry Bomb pearl that I don't get along with, and I save it for severe breakdown because it skates VERY long, much like Strapper mentioned with his.  It is a good down-and-in ball for me on broken down house shots.

The moral of the story is that there are so many combinations of layout, cover prep, bowling style, ball speed, oil conditions and lane surface that it can really be a crapshoot to find something that really rolls great.  Luckily, me and my Saws haven't had that problem too many times.

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Re: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2006, 10:32:33 PM »
I have stacked drillings on both my Hybrid Dirty Bomb, Cobalt & Hybrid Megatons and I don't have any issues with them at all though ?

I match up with the Bomb cores pretty good I think....Any last ditch effort to get this thing to work besides a redill ?

I've never seen ball with original Activator Pearl die...

Also if the Bomb cores don't work that well with a stacked drilling, then why doesnt Lane #1 put a warning on the drilling sheet or something ?

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Re: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2006, 11:07:59 PM »
I agree; I think it is somewhat of a myth that stacked drillings don't work well with Bomb cores.  That is my opinion.

I too have never seen a ball with original pearl Activator die, so I highly doubt that is the problem.

One suggestion would be to have the ending static weights checked- this is scraping the bottom of the barrel for solutions but... I have seen for example, my Hybrid Dirty Bomb with the maximum 1 oz sideweight and no weighthole have a bear of a time making the corner.  Rather than put a weighthole in it or change the drilling, I tried a couple of cover adjustments that didn't work so I traded it.

Not sure if perhaps the ball is over-flaring?  I have heard that this can cause a ball to actually lose a good bit of reaction on the lanes.  Not sure how you would go about diagnosing this, however.  Simply brainstorming at this point.

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Edited on 8/28/2006 11:02 PM


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Re: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2006, 11:17:36 PM »
that's weird ...

most of the bombs I got are drilled stacked and I love them  

I think the issue here is just the ball not matching you as you hoped
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Re: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2006, 07:15:06 AM »
I spoke with the guys at lane one about the stacked "myth"  I was told that for the majority of users, the core when in a stacked position, "wobbles" and does not make it to the prefered spin axis thus hits weakly, reacts weakly, flat pins, washouts.  now that being said, notice I said majority, or a group of those users, there will always be some that it will work for and be a god send.

That being said 302, give me specifics on each ball, you said 3 of them are stacked right?  what are the pins, the pin placement, starting weights, ending weights and x hole locations if you have them


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Re: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2006, 09:38:18 AM »
Alright Trigg heres some specs on the balls:

- 2 1/2 inch pin.
- Pin above ring cg stacked below it.
- X hole (shallow) 5 inches over, center

- 3 1/2 inch pin.
- Pin above ring, cg stacked below.
- X hole (narrow, semi deep) 6 inches over (increasing), center

Hybrid Megatons~
- 2 inch pin
- Pin abouve ring, cg stacked
- X hole: None

As far as starting and ending side and top weights, I have no clue. I suppose I could find out though

As for the Dirty Bomb Pearl, it has a narrrow, deep X hole in the low thumb quad.
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Edited on 8/29/2006 9:32 AM


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Re: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2006, 01:52:33 PM »
ok here is what i see right off.  DB pearl is by nature a longish ball (pearl after all)  you have pin above and right of ring, cg stacked and a weight hole in the thumnb quad and it wont react.  Those are the facts right?

to start pin above fingers is long, or longer anyway.  weight hole in your thumb quad makes it even longer.  unless the top weight was extremely low, I gotta figure you finger weight is pretty high with that drilling.  in order to get it to move/react you need some side and thumb wieght.  I would be real interested to see the ending weights on that ball.  my guess is you are probably really close to 0 or even negative on the side with your finger weight being up towards an ounce or so, with your thumb weight being none existant.  my first step would be to weigh it up, get those ending weights and see if you can cut the finger weight down, by taking the fingers deeper (provided that is an issue)  my bomb cores work best when i can equal the finger weight to the side weight.  Just my 2 cents mind you


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Re: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2006, 01:55:21 PM »
Could plug up the weight hole and move it up to give you some thumb weight and get it to rev up sooner
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Re: Dirty Bomb Pearl...Ball Death ? ***UPDATE***
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2006, 03:04:23 PM »
My last '2 cents' on the subject.

If the question is if the ball is inherently weak, the answer is a definite "no". With the right drill and matchup, the pearl DB can be a skid/flip monster.

And I question any absolutes such as stacked drills don't work on ball 'X'. We all throw the orbs different, and I've yet to see a drill (in the realm of common patterns) that don't work for some bowlers.

Personally, I stay away from stacked drills to the right of the ring. They tend to be too condition specific. I prefer drills that match up over a wider range of conditions, and allow me to better manipulate roll. However, I know others who almost always go with this pattern.

The answer is that you don't match up to this ball/drill -- period. Consider a plug and redrill based on input from someone who really knows your game.
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