the ball that hooks the most and gets the least length is the hybird dirty bomb, altho it gets good length cuz it is polished. if u want a skid/snap reaction then you should go with the dirty bomb.
the videos are a lil bit decieving in the fact that it is true that you can make any ball look great. there was obviously editing used in the videos, and nobody xcept the maker of the vids knows how many shots he took before he had enought explosive strikes to make a video. every ball has the potential to hit like a truck and have the crazy strikes, you just have to match up the right ball to the condition.
i like lane 1, so that is what i use. im sure that i could use something else and get similar results, but i believe in the diamond core and the results the ball/me has generated. i have tweaked other brands to try to get a similar reaction to what i get /w my lane 1 stuff, but i dont feel i get as many lucky strikes. in regards to the balls being legit, it is not like lane 1 gurantees a strike on every shot...its just a bowling ball. if you throw it good you might/might not get a strike, same as any other bowling ball. personally, i have used a lot of different equipment and feel that i get more lucky strikes with lane 1 than i do with other equipment. on the other hand i have seen other people use lane 1 with terrible results and who are better suited with other brands. selection of bowling balls is a personal thing, just cuz someone you know/see is using a certain ball and scoring doesnt mean you are going to do the same.