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Author Topic: Giving Lane #1 another try...just got an EU...  (Read 627 times)


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Giving Lane #1 another try...just got an EU...
« on: August 29, 2006, 03:38:11 PM »
Given that my last experiment with giving a company a second look (Track) worked out well for me, I'm doing it again with Lane #1.

For Track, it was going to their Machine line after struggling with their post-Triton equipment. Both the Machine and the Mean Machine have been excellent for me this summer.

For Lane #1, I had a great experience with a red pearl Buzzsaw C/2 about five years ago. A couple of years ago, I decided to follow that up with a Gold Nugget. Unfortunately, it did not match up to my game at all and I sold it.

Since then, I've done some significant rebuilding of my game, my axis rotation and tilt has changed and I decided to give Lane #1 another try. I just got an Enriched Uranium today and will be getting it fitted later this week. The one I got was used and the surface, although free of scratches, appears to have been scuffed down to 500 or 600 grit. This is actually a good thing, as I do not have many particle balls that aren't polished.

I'm hoping to be able to fit this ball into a medium-heavy role in my arsenal. Any opinions would be welcomed.




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Re: Giving Lane #1 another try...just got an EU...
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2006, 09:08:16 AM »
Jessn16, Out of all the lane 1 balls that i have owned or still own, The Golden Nugget and the Tsunami both did not fit my game, But that is the only 2, As a whole lane 1 matches up very well more so then any other mfg that i have used and i have used most before going back to strictly lane 1.

The enriched on med/hvy should be fine with some clean backends, But if you start to hit some carrydown it will get squirty and push to far down the lane and come in late, It can get quite ovr/undr on that condition just be aware of that.
Tripping 10's, Its all about entry angle into the hole!!

Can you hear that? It sounds like a SAW
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Edited on 8/30/2006 9:06 AM


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Re: Giving Lane #1 another try...just got an EU...
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2006, 09:50:18 AM »
The enriched is one sweet ball, particle pearls, to me, are very versitile.

a picture of the layout is in my profile.
originally owned by Michael Haugen Jr.
Laid out and used on tour.

it gives me options, if the oil is a touch on the heavy side i can play straighter and not have to worry about it turning over, or if the oil pattern is breaking down, migrate left, swing it, and watch it come screaming back.

a very underrated ball, the layout works very well for me, give it a shot if you're a mid to low rev player, it wont disappoint.
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Edited on 8/30/2006 9:44 AM

joe 26

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Re: Giving Lane #1 another try...just got an EU...
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2006, 09:56:19 AM »
i had my EU around 1200 polished bc of the drier lanes around here it worked great. It didnt work to well in heavier oil but the gp2 took care of the that, kind of.
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Roy Munson

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Re: Giving Lane #1 another try...just got an EU...
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2006, 10:57:45 AM »

... EU for me is condition-specific ball.
... I would recommend a Solid Cobalt for you to try first.

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