Hey Nick...
I see that Fury line really did well for you guys...
Let's go back to the Inferno Line becasue they out hooked the Fury's that were supposed to be sooo amazing and strong.. This new Torsion core and Octane cover will revolutionize the bowling industry...
Or is this the "Retro" line you guys are going to put out? You could of at least went back a little further than the Inferno line don't ya think??
Are these new Infernos going to have red,yellow,black and green pins to distinguish what bad pours you have?? Then sell them to the public like they were some sort of PBA Pro ball that was purposely poured bad?? Maybe you should see how many Viva la nacion's drank that KOOL AID!!!
Yeah. Here are our Red pin and Green pin Classic Zones. We marked the Red pins becasue we made those with a weaker cover to combat those lighter patterns without losing the ball motion the Classic Zone is famous for..
That's how I was sold Red pins... Talk about hype. Then when I got them and saw the pin was drilled out 1/8" larger and filled with red plug.
Zoltan contacted Nick and said... "Drink it my son for we are BIG B and we can trick the public as well as our staffers into believing we did this on purpose. Now all we need to do is figure out how to mask the Twisted Fury's that had the PSA marked with a PIN and the Pin marked with a PSA locator and I don't even want to talk about the first batch that got out that didn't hook. One last thing my son...Since we got caught purposely mismarking Lane#1 1-2" pin balls to meet our 3-4" pin quota. We need to drink more KOOL AID and be more careful next time when we try it with the MoRich balls. We convinced people to believe that we invented this new layout called the RICO even though the Rev Leverage layout was introduced by Ebonite over 10 years ago. It didn't matter that Ebonite actually measured Pin to PAP distance on the Rev Leverage. We will just put the pin in the center of the grip and tell people that Pin to PAP distance won't matter. We are very successful my son in doing all these things to the public while bashing our Lane#1 competitor. We will always sell 5 times more balls then they do but still need to bash them."
The Kool Aid son...The Kool Aid!!!
Your fearless leader.....ZOLTAN!!!
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
Thanks for reading and be sure to check us out at the Lane#1 booth in Albuquerque. Check out current eBay auctions at: Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!