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Author Topic: Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction  (Read 5081 times)


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Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction
« on: January 31, 2008, 03:37:51 AM »
Out of the 5 Buzzbombs I drilled last night. Only 1 person wasn't blown away. That was me. I knew what this ball was capable of. All 5 bowlers saw ball motion that they haven't seen before. Even the soft handed fudgeknuckler saw unstoppable movement. I do not know what physics rule this core falls under but whatever it is....It works!!!

I was excited about this ball when I threw it but watching bowlers from every level throw it has me psyched up bigtime.

Don't miss this ball. Get your now!!!

Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
Thanks for reading and be sure to check us out at the Lane#1 booth in Albuquerque. Check out current eBay auctions at:
Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!

Edited on 1/31/2008 1:43 PM
Looking for a great place to sell your bowling equipment?? Auction style,Fixed Price and FREE For A Limited Time! Try and to Purchase The "Secret Sauce" visit
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2008, 05:18:01 PM »
A couple of posts that make me proud to be a SAWHEAD

Drop and give me 10

don coyote

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Re: Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2008, 05:35:16 PM »
It sure does seem that smart people answer the LANE 1 discussions. Why is that?
That was a very nice verbal discussion. I am proud to be a sawhead!!!


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Re: Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2008, 07:22:25 PM »
You know, this post strikes a memory of when this site was truely worth a darn.  I almost wish they made you produce a Soc# to post... There are some people that frequent this site that can offer true advice and knowledge.. then there are the rest... I am not at all a saw head, I've had no real great success with the balls, yet I am interested in this one.  Will I buy one? I doubt it.  Its nice to see reports on what the ball is doing, and would be nice if people would just STFU if they can't contribute to the discussion.  Instead its "you are dumb for paying $20 more" for a ball that you like and will probably use for 200 or more games.. thats say .10 a game difference?  Ouch that hurt!  If you don't want to pay it, fine, don't.  Shut up and let others have their fun.  These same people that buy these balls may not bother with $100 sneakers or $75 jeans that you find neccessary (just an example), to each his own, but honestly I don't get the attacks.


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Re: Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2008, 08:12:11 PM »
So just like every other Lane 1 release, this is the best thing the bowling ball industry has ever seen, right?

$178 drilling $45....all I can say is I better be able to drive the thing into work for a week without filling up for that price

I am curious, what makes it more special than any other companies big hooking equipment?
Formerly SGC300
"Never get into a pissing match with a skunk, cuz he'll piss all over you and like it."-Keyshawn Johnson on Terrell Owens

I don't understand the logic that comes from guys like you! The prices you quoted only totals $223. Most of the high end balls at the pro shops in my area are about $249.00. Midrange (cheaper) balls run about $200.00. What's your problem?
Think about it!


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Re: Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2008, 08:35:09 PM »
You know, this post strikes a memory of when this site was truly worth a darn.  I almost wish they made you produce a Soc# to post... There are some people that frequent this site that can offer true advice and knowledge.. then there are the rest... I am not at all a saw head, I've had no real great success with the balls, yet I am interested in this one.  Will I buy one? I doubt it.  Its nice to see reports on what the ball is doing, and would be nice if people would just STFU if they can't contribute to the discussion.  Instead its "you are dumb for paying $20 more" for a ball that you like and will probably use for 200 or more games.. thats say .10 a game difference?  Ouch that hurt!  If you don't want to pay it, fine, don't.  Shut up and let others have their fun.  These same people that buy these balls may not bother with $100 sneakers or $75 jeans that you find necessary (just an example), to each his own, but honestly I don't get the attacks.
Great post. The bashing is over the top.
"People generally see what they look for and hear what they listen for."


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Re: Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction
« Reply #21 on: February 02, 2008, 09:35:27 AM »
If you like them, they work for you, then that's all that matters. BUT please don't tell me that they are the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's all hype and marketing BS.

Inverted: The problem is that for the most part, sawheads are not pronouncing Lane#1 balls "the greatest thing since sliced bread". They're bowlers who take to the unique roll provided by the diamond, feel it enhances their game, and like to talk about it. Of course not everyone is going to think it's their cup of tea. Surprisingly, after you peel the layers, you find that most of the detractors, like our friend cool rockin daddy, come to the 'hype and marketing BS' conclusion without ever having thrown one. And then they feel the need to share their Lane#1 epiphany with the rest of us like it's the bowling gospel.  

I know you personally don't see anything special with Lane#1, and of course I don't agree with you here. But I respect your opinion because you've at least thrown them and have given them a chance. Although I will say that the opinion of anyone who can love the EPX and dislike the Fury Pearl should be brought into serious question  
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"


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Re: Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction
« Reply #22 on: February 02, 2008, 10:15:41 AM »
When you buy a toyota vs a lexus or chevy vs a cadillac, you know what you're buying. Both of the vehicles, even though they use the same part, have a very different standard of quality and performance that, once again, is proven.

The old adage that "you get what you pay for" certainly holds true for these car as they have stood the test of time as well as with the owners of these vehicles.

I've owned L#1 balls and still have a few of them that see the light of day. They are nothing special or miraculous about them. If there were, I'd be singing their praise as well.

If you like them, they work for you, then that's all that matters. BUT please don't tell me that they are the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's all hype and marketing BS.

Keep looking... I'm sure there's a 300 in one of those balls you keep buying!!
(\ /)
( . .)
c(')(') here bunny bunny bunny....

Edited on 2/2/2008 10:04 AM

Edited on 2/2/2008 10:04 AM


Could you please clarify to whom the above post was directed?
Because you included the car scenario, I took it to be directed at me, therefore I need to respond.

You are trying to argue with me over something we do not disagree on.
I am not making over the top claims. I said the balls work for me.

A Caddy and a Chevy will both get you from home to work.
They both perform the same task, yet one costs more.
A Lane #1 ball and and Ebonite ball will both knock pins down.
They both perform the same task, yet one costs more.

Driver A buys a Chevy, puts gas in it, and goes to work.
Driver B buys a Caddy, puts gas in it, and goes to work.

Here is where things get strange:

Joe Bowler A buys an Ebonite ball, bowls, and that's the end of the story.
Joe Bowler B buys a Lane #1 ball, bowls, gets asked why he pays so much for his balls, gets berated for doing so, and then has to work overtime to pay for a flame-retardant suit.

Here is the only claim I can make with absolute certainty.
No Lane #1 ball will knock pins down unless somebody imparts force upon the ball in the general direction of the pins.

Jon (in Ohio)


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Re: Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction
« Reply #23 on: February 02, 2008, 11:06:20 AM »

Inverted: The problem is that for the most part, sawheads are not pronouncing Lane#1 balls "the greatest thing since sliced bread". They're bowlers who take to the unique roll provided by the diamond, feel it enhances their game, and like to talk about it. Of course not everyone is going to think it's their cup of tea. Surprisingly, after you peel the layers, you find that most of the detractors, like our friend cool rockin daddy, come to the 'hype and marketing BS' conclusion without ever having thrown one. And then they feel the need to share their Lane#1 epiphany with the rest of us like it's the bowling gospel.

I know you personally don't see anything special with Lane#1, and of course I don't agree with you here. But I respect your opinion because you've at least thrown them and have given them a chance. Although I will say that the opinion of anyone who can love the EPX and dislike the Fury Pearl should be brought into serious question



Could you please clarify to whom the above post was directed?
Because you included the car scenario, I took it to be directed at me, therefore I need to respond.

You are trying to argue with me over something we do not disagree on.
I am not making over the top claims. I said the balls work for me.

A Caddy and a Chevy will both get you from home to work.
They both perform the same task, yet one costs more.
A Lane #1 ball and and Ebonite ball will both knock pins down.
They both perform the same task, yet one costs more.

Driver A buys a Chevy, puts gas in it, and goes to work.
Driver B buys a Caddy, puts gas in it, and goes to work.

Here is where things get strange:

Joe Bowler A buys an Ebonite ball, bowls, and that's the end of the story.
Joe Bowler B buys a Lane #1 ball, bowls, gets asked why he pays so much for his balls, gets berated for doing so, and then has to work overtime to pay for a flame-retardant suit.

Here is the only claim I can make with absolute certainty.
No Lane #1 ball will knock pins down unless somebody imparts force upon the ball in the general direction of the pins.


Nova, once again my hat is off to you. Steve, ditto to you also. As always, both of you again make mature and well written posts as well as being nuteral and not taking sides for any company. It would be great if everyone on this site had the common sense and maturity you showed here.

Inverted might ought to take a clue here and stop accusing and being a troll at this time as I feel he is capable of having better judgement and opinions than he has shown here in this forum.

"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."


Edited on 2/2/2008 12:07 PM
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"


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Re: Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction
« Reply #24 on: February 02, 2008, 01:20:09 PM »

That pro shop is gouging it's (potential) Lane #1 buyers.

Let's look at the new Buzzbomb.
If you can buy it online for $178 shipped, you can rest assured the pro shops are getting it for less than that. The difference between the shops cost and $178 can be chalked up to profit on the ball itself. Let's just use a round number, say $50.00 for drilling and inserts. That puts the package deal at $228.00.

I can tell you for a fact, that at $228.00 drilled, the shop is making a healthy buck on this ball. But hey, if he is selling them at a higher price, more power to him.

As for money spent on an experiment...that is a real chance that you take with any ball. I bet if you really wanted one, you would still buy it. If money was truly an issue, I would suggest waiting a few weeks and buying a used one off eBay. There are always guys that run out and buy every new ball on the market, only to sell them a few weeks later. I say, be aware and take advantage.
Jon (in Ohio)


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Re: Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction
« Reply #25 on: February 02, 2008, 01:45:34 PM »
Wow.  Where did you get that I'm ripping Lane #1 from my last post?  It wasn't a loaded question, and after reading it again, I don't sense any sarcasm on my part.  I probably would have shot 700 with my XXXL last night (see the lengthy Liberator post) if I would have used it from the start and have my only 800 with the Tsunami.  All I asked is what made the ball motion special.  Your words are what made me curious.  I'm looking at a new heavier oil ball and am trying to decide between several balls (Cell, LevRG, Buzzbomb, Resurgence in that order) and wanted a better description on what made it's roll unique for you.  Lots of people in all forums throw around a lot of buzzwords (no pun intended) and I wanted to see if you were providing the normal lip service that fans of all equipment provide, or if there was something useful I could gain from you.

As far as your other comment, I try to be pretty honest with everything.  I probably respond to Lane #1 and Brunswick fan's attitudes the most because they are by far the most noticeable.  One or two people gushing about the new Storm/Hammer release doesn't get sickening, but when the same 10 people proclaim every new brand X ball is the greatest that's ever been, it does get annoying.  I also am one of the few people who don't rave about your polish, but I don't go out of my way to shoot it down at every chance, so don't think there is any kind of vendetta going on.  I told you before that I know you have game and I'd love to see you do a few videos.

On a side note, some people have sensitive skin that causes irritation with Magic Carpet.  Most other problems I would guess are associated with squeezing.  Too long of a span, too much reverse, and too big of a hole combined with squeezing will not make you like MC.  I didn't care for it in the beginning.  Being open minded, I gave it another try after modifying my span and pitches.  I still get some irritation, but it's very much reduced.  Maybe I have sensitive skin, and I'm sure I still squeeze sometimes.  Everyone does at least some (unless you don't bevel at all), but most don't recognize it because they've been doing it so long that they take it for granted.
Penn State Proud

Special thanks to Lane#1 for donations to two consecutive  Ballreviews Get Togethers.

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive

I appologize Strider...Maybe I mis read the "Quotes" as being sarcastic. I really lov ethis ball and the motion I have seen from this ball being different is this.....

I did the ball test last week with Richie in Syracuse and after watching 40+ people throw the ball and the 10 I have drilled already this week. The ball never stops "working" I mean that I watched a few older fellas throw the ball with slow speed and the ball gripped the lane very hard early. With most balls it just stands up the core and the ball dead rolls. This Buzzbomb core still had the ball moving right to left. Other styles had such strong midlane movement but the ball never really spent too much energy and made a stronger,more continuous move in the back end. Just my observation. Also, if you watch a few videos of the Resurgence you see midlane move but not quite so strong through the backs. I know this can be caused by layout choice but for my dollar, This Buzzbomb is the real thing. No hype....Just really works.. As I've said before...I drill and sell every companies balls. Some I like and some I didn't. The same with Lane#1.  Some I liked and some I didn't match up well with. This is the bast ball I have ever thrown. Seriously.

Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
Thanks for reading and be sure to check us out at the Lane#1 booth in Albuquerque. Check out current eBay auctions at:
Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!
Looking for a great place to sell your bowling equipment?? Auction style,Fixed Price and FREE For A Limited Time! Try and to Purchase The "Secret Sauce" visit
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction
« Reply #26 on: February 02, 2008, 01:46:58 PM »
I really wouldn't rest assured that brick and mortar proshops (unless they are HUGE and able to buy mass quantities) are buying them any if much cheaper than internet pricing.  I can tell you from experience, actually purchasing for the proshops, that internet pricing is generally what you pay for the ball.  Its tough to keep up without buying large quantities. That said, with this particular ball, there is a ton of hype, I MIGHT consider a case of them, this maybe something I shouldn't put out there, but the last time we bought a case (lane 1) your internet pricing was slashed by about $4 a ball... so yeah its tough to compete but thats another story all together.  Indeed though, it can be done for less than $275, I would say in all reality $225 is not unfair and is likely what you would be paying after an internet purchase.


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Re: Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2008, 02:01:11 PM »
I really wouldn't rest assured that brick and mortar proshops (unless they are HUGE and able to buy mass quantities) are buying them any if much cheaper than internet pricing.  I can tell you from experience, actually purchasing for the proshops, that internet pricing is generally what you pay for the ball.  Its tough to keep up without buying large quantities. That said, with this particular ball, there is a ton of hype, I MIGHT consider a case of them, this maybe something I shouldn't put out there, but the last time we bought a case (lane 1) your internet pricing was slashed by about $4 a ball... so yeah its tough to compete but thats another story all together.  Indeed though, it can be done for less than $275, I would say in all reality $225 is not unfair and is likely what you would be paying after an internet purchase.

I pay the same price as everyone else direct from Lane#1..

I can sell the Buzzbombs for less than $200 drilled and still make a nice profit. It is a bit underpriced in my opinion but I live in a town of price undercutters. At $195 drilled I am still $20-30 higher than my competitors.  Beans
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
Thanks for reading and be sure to check us out at the Lane#1 booth in Albuquerque. Check out current eBay auctions at:
Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!
Looking for a great place to sell your bowling equipment?? Auction style,Fixed Price and FREE For A Limited Time! Try and to Purchase The "Secret Sauce" visit
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Drilled 5 Buzzbombs last night......100% Satisfaction
« Reply #28 on: February 02, 2008, 11:34:16 PM »
Inverted.  My Secret Sauce comment was directed at Strider and not you.  Thanks  Beans
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
Thanks for reading and be sure to check us out at the Lane#1 booth in Albuquerque. Check out current eBay auctions at:
Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!
Looking for a great place to sell your bowling equipment?? Auction style,Fixed Price and FREE For A Limited Time! Try and to Purchase The "Secret Sauce" visit
Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Pro Shop Own