That pro shop is gouging it's (potential) Lane #1 buyers.
Let's look at the new Buzzbomb.
If you can buy it online for $178 shipped, you can rest assured the pro shops are getting it for less than that. The difference between the shops cost and $178 can be chalked up to profit on the ball itself. Let's just use a round number, say $50.00 for drilling and inserts. That puts the package deal at $228.00.
I can tell you for a fact, that at $228.00 drilled, the shop is making a healthy buck on this ball. But hey, if he is selling them at a higher price, more power to him.
As for money spent on an experiment...that is a real chance that you take with any ball. I bet if you really wanted one, you would still buy it. If money was truly an issue, I would suggest waiting a few weeks and buying a used one off eBay. There are always guys that run out and buy every new ball on the market, only to sell them a few weeks later. I say, be aware and take advantage.
Jon (in Ohio)