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Author Topic: Drilling For Different Spans  (Read 697 times)


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Drilling For Different Spans
« on: March 15, 2005, 04:36:12 AM »
I bought a used Black Cherry Bomb from a friend.  I liked the ball so much that I purchased a new one.  My question is this--the used BCB is drilled label (CG in palm w/ no X-hole), but the span is much greater than that of my own equipment (2-inch difference).  All my equipment is drilled to fit my span, even though I do not use my thumb.  I would like to have my new BCB drilled so that it reacts exactly, or as close as possible to the used BCB.  Should I have the new BCB drilled exactly as the used BCB with the larger span?--would this be easier to get similar reactions?  What differences, if any, are the result of differing spans?  I thought this may alter the reaction since you are removing material from a different area of the core.  Thanks...



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Re: Drilling For Different Spans
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2005, 12:49:50 PM »
Reaction should be based on positive axis point distance from pin, not span.  If you want the same reaction as him, it's going to be hard because you probably throw it different than him.  You'll have to know his positive axis point and yours.  The PAP is the point that is equi-distant from the ball's track on the positive side (right side for right handers.)
It'll probably be really easy for a local pro shop to find the PAP since they have a handy tool that makes it easy called an armadillo.  They'd have to find your friend's PAP and his pin distance from the PAP and then find your PAP and match the pin distance.  This would get you a similar reaction but not exact.  CG actually affects ball motion very little in newer balls but can be used for tweaking.
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Re: Drilling For Different Spans
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2005, 02:23:46 PM »
JamesCube--maybe I wasn't clear enough.  My friend sold me his used BCB--he let me try it, and I liked the reaction I got from the ball.  I know my PAP and am aware that PAP is unique to each bowler/layout.  I was simply asking if there would be any benefit to ignoring my PAP and drilling the new BCB to the exact specifications as the old BCB.  Because of differing PAPs, I am not sure and may not be willing to drill the new ball to my PAP measurements--fearing that the ball may not react as well as expected with a ball that I have actually thrown and absolutely love.