Steven, I can't believe you said I was rude to that bag of wind Trig, did you not read All THE ATTACKS HE MADE ABOUT ME.
You FOS people are indeed the laughing stock of this site.
SAWHEADS, idiots.
Steven, you got some nerve, the gall, more crust then a pie factory to come on and say I was rude to Trig, after all the rude crude things this FOS thing said about me.
You Steven have clearly show what a bias piece of garbage you are.
Read one of the reviews on the Dynamo, The guy posted, that this is the biggest monster at 4000k he has seen, Guess what boy, he was using it at 1000k, and that is why it was a monster. The 4000k was a misprint, therefore his review is based on a misprint!!!!!
Steven, you are a joke.