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Author Topic: Dynamo Ball Of The Year  (Read 8416 times)


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Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« on: February 27, 2009, 01:44:37 AM »
Bowling related only..

All Sawheads go here and vote Dyanamo as Ball Of The Year it might be the best ball I've ever thrown.



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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #31 on: March 03, 2009, 12:29:10 PM »
this doesn't change the fact that your still the most insignaficant sperm to ever dwell the birth canal..............POS

Versility sells balls.

Those that can used on the widest lanes condtions by the widest variety of bowlers will be purchased the most.

Keep looking... I'm sure there's a 300 in one of those balls you keep buying!!
(\ /)
( . .)
c(')(') here bunny bunny bunny....

I'm your huckleberry

But, but I'm having a bad day and feel kinda down....

It's ok right? You forgive me, right?..oh please....
Inverted 1 and Dead Flush are my Evil Twins...


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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2009, 04:16:22 PM »
Have had to go to the Lane #1 forum for high comedy and laughs even though the poor souls are unaware how hysterically funny they really are.

CRD: You're at it again. I just saw the above in the Brunswick forum.

I allowed you the dignity of the 'last word' to stop your personal madness. Jeez, get a grip and let that chip on your shoulder go.

If you really want to know about a day in the life of Rico and Nick, send them messages. Maybe you can even get a coveted spot on their respective holiday card lists.


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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2009, 04:44:46 PM »
Have had to go to the Lane #1 forum for high comedy and laughs even though the poor souls are unaware how hysterically funny they really are.

CRD: You're at it again. I just saw the above in the Brunswick forum.

You must just be stalking him then, because you don't actually POST anywhere other than Lane #1/Misc Bowling/Misc Non-Bowling...
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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2009, 05:34:16 PM »
You must just be stalking him then, because you don't actually POST anywhere other than Lane #1/Misc Bowling/Misc Non-Bowling...

I think I inadvertently put up an invitation to a new troll convention.... If you read through this miserable thread, CRD started things by deciding to take an unprovoked shot, and picked things back up in the Brunswick forum. You might want to rethink who is stalking who.

As far as where I post, you could take notice of the technique. It's called posting in areas where you have background and experience worth sharing. You were doing fine when you limited yourself to pretending to be a libertarian in Misc Non-Bowling. You got in trouble when you stumbled into the real bowling subject areas.  

Not that you venture there, but I've also posted regularly in the coverstock prep forum. I did try to engage CRD in some constructive coverstock related discussion, but it turns out he outsources that aspect of his equipment preparation to teenage kids. It's a shame not to understand what they're doing, since he doesn't rely on a core and cover is 90% (or is it now 70%?) of his reaction.  

But hey, thanks for your concerns here.

Edited on 3/3/2009 7:08 PM


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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #35 on: March 03, 2009, 06:07:35 PM »
I do agree shops are definitly asking a lot for lane 1 and was doing the same with morich for the longest time and the same goes for visionary. To get a lane 1 or visionary Im looking at 200+ for a morich it finally came down to 180-190 range. I feel that morich finally getting out there where the locals are finding out about them has been the big step in bringing the prices to a reasonable range and I feel once lane 1 and visionary start to shop up more and more locally they too will slowly come down in price.


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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #36 on: March 03, 2009, 07:15:37 PM »
quote: If you read through this miserable thread, CRD started things by deciding to take an unprovoked shot, and picked things back up in the Brunswick forum. You might want to rethink who is stalking who.

Yes, but how did YOU know that unless you were looking for him? You haven't posted to the Brunswick forum in at least 30 days based on a rudimentary search.

As far as where I post, you could take notice of the technique. It's called posting in areas where you have background and experience worth sharing. You were doing fine when you limited yourself to pretending to be a libertarian in Misc Non-Bowling. You got in trouble when you stumbled into the real bowling subject areas.  

By supposing that I'm not a libertarian and that I know nothing about bowling, you've clearly shown yourself to be as much of an idiot as I thought was possible, or at least a book-smart person who jumps to conclusions based on inadequate data to make them. As long as no one questions your intellectual superiority you seem like you try to be helpful most of the time, but your attempt to appear unbiased in your profile and some of your statement qualifications are laughable when you don't actively participate in any ball manufacturer's forum other than Lane #1. You always denigrate those who have a less-than-glowing opinion of Lane #1 or it's products (even when valid) and have never (from what I've seen) expressed a view of Lane #1 that is anything but fanboyism.

Here's one idea for you that will blow your don't have to average 240 to "know" bowling. Some of the best coaches I've ever talked to don't partake in the sport much themselves anymore and when they do, they aren't much north of 175. But they know more about mechanics, drillings, and coverstock prep than that 240 bowler who is a little more accurate than the 230 guy on great wall of China synthetics. I mention this because one of your pet causes here is attacking those whom you feel do not carry a sufficient sanctioned average to offer bowling advice to others.

Not that you venture there, but I've also posted regularly in the coverstock prep forum.

I do go there, but if you haven't noticed, my posting frequency has fallen off a cliff, thanks to switching from a job where I work at home on the computer 48+ hours per week (and a month of no job) to one with a 35 minute commute, plus I'm spending about 90 min at the gym 5 times a week. I know you didn't ask nor do you care but I'm just showing that my lack of posting in other forums has nothing to do with my lack of knowledge (though admittedly, all of my equipment is more than 2 years old at this point so I have less to offer specifically on new balls unless I've seen them) and everything to do with my lack of time.

I did try to engage CRD in some constructive coverstock related discussion, but it turns out he outsources that aspect of his equipment preparation to teenage kids. It's a shame not to understand what they're doing, since he doesn't rely on a core and cover is 90% (or is it now 70%?) of his reaction.  

I'm sure this is what he's thinking of:

I haven't seen you provide any actual numbers yourself, nor evidence to back up your rebuttal of his claim. But that's pretty standard for you.

But hey, thanks for your concerns here.

Hey, no problem. Any time I can get you to direct your ire toward me instead of someone else, it's a better day for the board.
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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #37 on: March 04, 2009, 09:55:57 AM »
Holland: First, thanks for your well presented thoughts. Even if I don’t always agree with all of what’s said, I appreciate anyone who lays out their information with structure and clarity. It’s too rare around here. It’s clear that you put deliberate effort into your reply to me, so I’ll try to reply similarly.

Yes, but how did YOU know that unless you were looking for him? You haven't posted to the Brunswick forum in at least 30 days based on a rudimentary search.

I regularly read all the manufacturer forums – there is lots of good information regardless of what you throw. I was in the Brunswick forum, saw a reference to Rico, so I checked it out. I’ve had my differences with Rico, but he’s an incredibly knowledgeable resource and I like to read his stuff. Digging out CRD was not high on my agenda.

As long as no one questions your intellectual superiority you seem like you try to be helpful most of the time, but your attempt to appear unbiased in your profile and some of your statement qualifications are laughable when you don't actively participate in any ball manufacturer's forum other than Lane #1.  

Look, I’ve said this before. I’m not a ‘Lane#1 only’ bowler. My active arsenal includes a Brunswick Fury, 2 Hammer Widows, 2 Columbia Rivals, 2 Ebonite Stingers (Pearl and Particle), and some assorted older Ebonite and Track balls you probably wouldn’t remember. And they’re all very good pieces (except the Fury) or I wouldn't bother keeping them. I’ve posted briefly in those forums my original thoughts on each ball, and left it at that. There is no purpose in posting just to post.

You always denigrate those who have a less-than-glowing opinion of Lane #1 or it's products (even when valid) and have never (from what I've seen) expressed a view of Lane #1 that is anything but fanboyism.

I think it’s fair to state that at least 95% of posters who have issued a ‘less-than-glowing opinion’ of Lane#1 have no relevant experience with the product. That should be offensive to anyone who cares about the integrity of the forums, regardless of favorite brand.  As far as my ‘fanboyism’, I try to be balanced. Overall, I do think the Lane#1 brand is terrific. However, I have discussed issues I’ve had with the Bomb core specifically, and the recent exotic core designs they’ve come out with in general. I’ve said (more than once) I’d be happy with nothing more than a complete line of Diamond core offerings. But it’s a business – Lane#1 obviously has to try to attract greater market share.
Here's one idea for you that will blow your don't have to average 240 to "know" bowling. Some of the best coaches I've ever talked to don't partake in the sport much themselves anymore and when they do, they aren't much north of 175. But they know more about mechanics, drillings, and coverstock prep than that 240 bowler who is a little more accurate than the 230 guy on great wall of China synthetics.

I’ve read this, and my mind is not ‘blown’. I agree that many fine coaches are not (or have not been) high average bowlers on any condition. I’ve personally taken lessons from both camps, gaining valuable insights from each. However, from my perspective, there is added value from being taught a technique from someone who has achieved personal success themselves. I think that’s true regardless of endeavor.

I mention this because one of your pet causes here is attacking those whom you feel do not carry a sufficient sanctioned average to offer bowling advice to others.

With the exception of yourself and CRD, I can’t remember bringing up average with anyone. I try to avoid getting into those kinds of discussions because they usually get ugly. In CRD’s case, he offered me the honor of being his ball caddy. In your case, you’ve often taken on the persona -- quite impressively -- of someone who’s an expert in a given area (Lane#1 demographic strategy and marketing ring a bell?). Once that door is open, asking for credentials is more than appropriate.

I'm sure this is what he's thinking of:
I haven't seen you provide any actual numbers yourself, nor evidence to back up your rebuttal of his claim. But that's pretty standard for you.  

CRD’s claim is that coverstock is 90% of reaction. The link you reference says 65%-70%. Unless my math is fuzzy, that’s a huge difference. The reality is that total reaction is a blended convergence of cover, core and drill. There isn’t a magic number for any component that captures the importance of any of the three.  
Any time I can get you to direct your ire toward me instead of someone else, it's a better day for the board.

I respect your ability to stand up and take anything thrown at you. I can’t recall you ever threatening to use the ignore list, which is the ultimate chicken exit for those too mentally weak and feeble to present and defend their thoughts in an effective way. You have a big one up on CRD in this area.

As I told you before, any issues I have with you revolve around your propensity to talk before you think, and to post about things about which you have little or no background. If you can get that under control, you’re going to be OK.

Again, thanks for the thoughtful response.

Edited on 3/4/2009 11:33 AM


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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #38 on: March 04, 2009, 02:38:25 PM »

My name is Beans and I like Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs...

Thanks for reading...

Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 National Sales Manager and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
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Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #39 on: March 04, 2009, 03:02:33 PM »

My name is Beans and I like Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs...

Thanks for reading...

Thomas "Beans" Biniek Jr.
PBA Member and Lane#1 National Sales Manager and Lane#1 Ball Drilling Expert
 Check out current eBay auctions at: Official Pro Shop of "ALL" F.O.S. Members!!!



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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #40 on: March 04, 2009, 03:40:39 PM »
Like a broken record, stevie keeps on with the 90% cover reaction quote even though I said that I would have to agree with bowling experts like Team USA coach Jeri Edwards that it is probably more like 70% of coverstock being the most important factor in ball reaction. C'mon, stevie, get on the same page!

Yes, so after repeatedly saying with conviction that it's 90%, you finally did back off to 70%, based on Jeri Edwards. So it sounds like you're just parroting numbers instead providing information based on your own real world experience. You're just a bundle of refreshing information for the masses. Cool, I get that now. We're on the same page.  

Christ, all you ever have is "he said, she said" crap when it comes to defending Lane 1. Sure they are fine balls, just can't find anybody using them.

Huh? Like alot of your ramblings, the first sentence makes absolutely no sense. What does your not seeing anyone use Lane#1 have to do with anything? Your home alley is not the center of the universe. You're fascinated by the brand, so be a big boy and have you proshop order one. You can then throw it and make your own judgements. What a concept.....

Zealots like you, stevie, and roy munson (ball trader extrordinarie), and ever loquacious bowlerdawg turn every body off with your views and your methods of "not defending" Lane 1.

Who is 'everybody'? From what I've seen, your main posse consists of a worn out abrasion pad (Frankie Abralon), and a fugitive city park peep (Harry Ballsagna). You keep some really good company.

BTW, I'm not defending anything or anybody. I happen to like the brand and take issues with trolls who downgrade the product without having any experience. That's one of the reasons I find you so offensive. It's disturbing to believe folks as dense as you are allowed to walk the streets.


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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #41 on: March 04, 2009, 09:08:36 PM »
i 2nd beans comment on reese's peanut butter eggs. they are good, almost as good as secret sauce. just wish it came in a bigger bottle.


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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #42 on: March 04, 2009, 09:51:09 PM »
Not a fan of any single company, I like to use what works best, that being said I have thrown over 500 pieces and currently own probably 230 and from my experiences the Lane 1 equipment with the exact covers from other companies seems to outperform the company ball. Whether it is M80, Powerkoil, Activator, or any of the others that have been used I tend to like the Lane 1 better. They seem to be a bit more controllable and have a touch more pop. Not a world of difference but enough for me to notice. I actually throw mostly Ebonite and Storm currently so like I said, not a groupie. And as far as credentials, I consitiently carry around 225 on any THS, have over 20 award scores, shot 792 at the Stadium in Reno in '06 Nationals and have a career avg. out there at 210. Just adding my two cents cause I sometimes think the Lane 1 guys get beat up alot for believing in their company. Good luck on the lanes to all.


Doug Sterner

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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #43 on: March 04, 2009, 10:01:23 PM »
Hey Beans....milk or dark chocolate??????

Inquiring minds want to know :-)
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Lane 1 Buzzsaw...The Official Power Tool Of Bowling
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Roy Munson

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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #44 on: March 04, 2009, 10:48:11 PM »
Zealots like you, stevie, and roy munson (ball trader extrordinarie), and ever loquacious bowlerdawg turn every body off with your views and your methods of "not defending" Lane 1.

. . . sticks and stones may break my bones . . .
. . . What a moron!
. . . Go back to your nest and report your trolling escapade again

Roy Munson: "Morning! I hope you don't mind, I got up a little early. So I took the liberty of milking your cow for you. Yeah, it took a little while to get her warmed up. She sure is a stubborn one. Then pow, all at once."
Mr. Boorg: "We don't have a cow. We have a bull."

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Re: Dynamo Ball Of The Year
« Reply #45 on: March 05, 2009, 05:25:45 AM »
Peroids after sentences Roy!! Stick with you will get it.
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