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Author Topic: Ending CG  (Read 3242 times)

Keith Frye

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Ending CG
« on: April 24, 2003, 10:27:16 PM »
I e-mailed the following question to Lane 1 this morning:


This question is in respect to item 6 in the Notes section of the Cherry
Bomb drill spec. sheet.  It reads:

"If ending center of gravity is on your pin, CG or on the same
rotational plane as those, reaction is enhanced."  

How do I predetermine where the ending CG will be?  Or how do I go about
laying out the ball so that the ending CG will end up in one of the
three positions mentioned above?

Keith Frye

I received the following response not long afterward:

Thanks for checking out our website, hope you've enjoyed it. Ending weights tell you where the CG is. Our Gravity Balance System teaches you how to manipulate the ending center of gravity. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us again anytime by e-mail or phone 1-800-Lane No.1 (526-3661). Thank you for your interest and choosing Lane #1.
Lane #1

I then replied back:

Is the Gravity Balance System on your web site?  Are you referring to the instructions on How to Find the "Center of Gravity"?  If so, it is not immediately apparent to me how I would use this method to determine the "ending" CG before the ball is drilled.  Is this something that can be explained via e-mail or would it be better if I called?
Thanks, Keith

I have not yet heard back.  Maybe one of you can help shed some light on this subject for me.  Thanks in advance for your replies.




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Re: Ending CG
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2003, 08:20:39 PM »
I have the gravity balance system.

Pretty good stuff.
Must be ordered and paid for unfortunately.

Explains a lot of the different reactions one gets from two balls that appear to be drilled the same of same model by the same manufacturer.

A couple of simple concepts without uying the system.

Most normal or average size hands take out about 1.5 ounces of top weight from the starting top weight when drilled near the label.  So if one starts with 3.0 ounces of top weight and drills near label the ball ends up with a top weight of 1.5 ounces or for bigger hands(which take out about 2.0 ounces of top weight), end up with 1.0 ounce of top weight.

In general balls with more top weight after drilling delay(more skid) their reaction more and have more of a reaction at the back of the lane.

A ball with less top weight will tend to roll earlier(lessth  skid) and react more evenly.

Also another general rule is that a ball that starts with 3.0 ounces of top weight that ends up being drilled with the cg more than one inch from the grip center will probably end up with very close to 1.0 ounce of side weight(above 1.0 ounce = illegal).  In addition if the cg is above the grip center midline by an inch or below it by an inch the ball will probably have illegal finger or thumb weight(over one ounce).

Hope these simple concepts help.



It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Ending CG
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2003, 09:49:54 PM »
I have a gravity balance system for sale, if interested.


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Re: Ending CG
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2003, 09:50:04 PM »
I have a gravity balance system for sale, if interested.

Keith Frye

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Re: Ending CG
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2003, 10:47:25 PM »
Sorry that I am so late replying.  I have been out of town without my usual availability to the net.

King and Lucky, thanks for the explanations!  I never did get another response from Lane 1.

Drillwizard, for how much are you selling the Gravity Balance System?  What does it cost new from Lane 1 or other retailers?  What is included with "the system"?

Thanks, Keith