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Author Topic: Enriched Uranium vs. Solid Uranium  (Read 923 times)

da Shiv

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Enriched Uranium vs. Solid Uranium
« on: December 20, 2005, 02:18:42 AM »
I realize that EUs are just hitting the shops now, but I'm wondering about something that is not really clear from the info on the Lane #1 site.  Are these two balls intended for more or less the same lane condition, with each just providing a somewhat different look, or is one of them intended for a heavier oil condition?  Both have the same core, and RG and diff specs.  The EU is listed as 110 on the Lane #1 hook scale and 70% of it backend.  The Solid is 100 in total hook and 60% backend.  The EU is light load particle pearl and polished; and the Solid is solid resin at 800 grit.  

In processing this information, I have not been able to come to any firm conclusions about how Lane #1 intends these balls to be used with respect to each other.  I am getting an EU today or tomorrow, and am trying to get some idea of what to expect.  I know I will end up tinkering with the covers to get the reactions of each tuned up so that they are enough different from each other so that each will have its appropriate use.  I am planning on having the EU drilled the same as the Solid, but I am not 100% sure if that is a good idea, and there's still time to change my mind.  Label leverage has always worked very well for me on Buzzsaws, and that is my plan at the moment.  

I notice on the BTM site that they must not have gotten an EU in time for the December issue.

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Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top



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Re: Enriched Uranium vs. Solid Uranium
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2005, 10:27:32 AM »
i think they will both end up being apples and oranges even if they are drilled the same.

i've had particle pearls in the past, and they react nothing like a solid reactive.

all previous layouts aside that you have...

i'd have the Uranium Solid layed out pin off to the side of the bridge CG in palm.
and the Enriched Uranium Pearl off to the side and up, CG stacked.

both should be pretty even off the break, the Enriched being significantly longer and sharper due to the pearl finish, even with the 2 layouts being similar
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Edited on 12/20/2005 11:17 AM


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Re: Enriched Uranium vs. Solid Uranium
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2005, 11:23:06 AM »
My U solid is drilled pin under ring with cg kicked rt & small weight hole. This ball reads quick & not able to use it on my THS. I have the EU coming & ordered it with 4" pin & 4oz top. Plan to drill this some form of label, but not sure yet if I'll put the pin over the bridge or at 1:30. Either way, I'm sure I'll have 2 completely different reactions.

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da Shiv

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Re: Enriched Uranium vs. Solid Uranium
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2005, 01:39:20 PM »
Thanks for the replies.  This all sounds about like what I figured, too.  Right now, I have my Uranium Solid at about a 1200 grit finish with a touch of polish.  I think I'll probably move the US back closer to its OOB finish and leave the EU at around its OOB finish as well.  That way, I can have them as a 1-2 punch on those medium conditions.  The US is not really a heavy condition ball for me, due to my being a somewhat speed-dominant bowler.  If I can use the US on medium-heavy, shift to the EU when the US starts to lose hitting power, and then shift to the Tsunami if the EU starts to burn early, then I'll have the whole mid-range of conditions covered with Buzzsaws.  That should work.

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Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top


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Re: Enriched Uranium vs. Solid Uranium
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2005, 02:22:09 PM »
da shiv, that theory/logic sounds about right to me. =:^D