What if we picked a place centrally located? I would be willing to travel more if needed. We could choose Ohio or Missouri or someplace in between. We could take donations for those who had trouble. We just do not have all the meetings we used to. I wish to take this moment to put ole SrKegler and Barry up on a pedestal, so-to-speak. I remember the first gathering we had in Fremont, money was tight for me, and I was going to have to cancel. SrK and Barry spared no expense to ensure my participation; Barry paid for a night in a hotel, and SrK sent me a more than decent aid, and when I told him I would pay him back as soon as possible, he said no, that it was a gift. When we all got together, I felt bad because I felt like a mooch, but these guys would not allow it, and that was all that was said. What it all comes down to is this site being a family, and if I were still in the military, I know I would help someone get there like these two guys did.
All the guys that were at that gathering were like that, even Pchee2, for all his banter and tough guy talk, he has a generous heart. I find myself making a comment like my parents, "ahhhh the good ole days!" Let's just see what people come up with as far as location and time frame; of course we can't please everyone, nor is everyone able to get the time of when it is decided upon, but it's still fun!! I like the Saw against Saw, and I would love to travel to Syracuse or nearby so Mr Buzzsaw and Buzzman could join in. We used to have pot games for singles, doubles, and team.
Regardless of what the pins are made of, you can still SAW 'Em Up! Mess with F.O.S. and get CUT like all the rest!!
F.O.S. Members, Our Assignment Should We Choose To Accept It, Polish and Sharpen Up Our Saws; Pins Have Been Spotted, and We Are To Saw 'Em Up!!