Got this a while back, used. Plugged and redrilled it (pin by ring, cg in palm) and it had to sit for quite a while before I could try it out. It has new pitches (1/8 lateral, zero reverse) and I was on lanes I haven't bowled on in 30 years, on a Saturday so there was probably no real pattern.
The good news is that it seems to be exactly what I wanted. Smooth all the way to the pins and about 5 boards less than my U Pearl (which I can't use on my home lanes because of the back ends). Hits very well and easily readable.
The bad news is that I didn't have this 6 months ago.
"If one tells the truth, one is sure sooner or later to be found out. " (Oscar Wilde)
“Most people, if the truth be told, are gigantic bores. There’s no need to subject yourself to that kind of thing.†Shelby Foote