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Author Topic: Can't go to Nationals, so...blogging from Ala. State Tournament.  (Read 1063 times)


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I figured since I posted about using, for the first time in my life, a tournament arsenal all from the same company, I would post the results so we could see whether it was a good idea on my part or not.

Took the following Lane #1 balls with me (strongest to weakest)
1) Enriched Uranium, 800 grit, no polish, label.
2) Tsunami H20, 1000 plus Brunswick Rough Buff, label
3) BuzzBomb/R, box finish, 3x3
4) Supernova XP, 2000 grit plus Storm ReactaShine, label
5) G-Force Evolution, box finish, label
6) Hybrid Dirty Bomb, 600 grit plus Storm ReactaShine, 4.25 x 3.375 ("Thumb Leverage" per the drill sheet)
7) XXXL Starburst, 4x4

First day (Saturday, April 4, Brunswick Riverview Lanes, lanes 5 & 6, doubles and singles, fresh oil)
Oil: 38-feet, heavy-medium to start, top-hat block 5 to 5, not much taper. Lanes are Brunswick AnviLane of some kind.
Others on the pair: 1 lefty tweener, 2 right-handed strokers, 2 right-handed spinner-tweeners

Beginning notes: It became really clear upfront that I underestimated the amount of oil they were going to put out. It was probably the heaviest oil load since...the last time state was in Birmingham. I would find out the reason why they loaded it up soon enough. I was also the highest-rev bowler on the pair and was further out than anyone at the breakpoint.

The most aggressive ball I brought was the EU. From the start, my Tsunami (my favored ball) wasn't going to tip. For comparison's sake, consider that was the most aggressive ball I've needed at the last two sport tournaments I've entered.

So here we go:

Game one: 159
Balls used: Tsunami H20, Enriched Uranium (XXXL Starburst for spares in all games)
Notes: Terrible start. Here's a weird one for you -- I had three doubles in this game. I also had two 2-10 splits (neither converted) and missed two single pins (7, 10). Started out sliding at 21, targeting 11 at the arrows and out to 8. Used the Tsu up until the seventh frame. On this pattern, the ball had to be squared up to the pocket by the 40-foot mark or it was going to come in light. Due to everyone else being inside me, my hold area was not consistent. I finally switched to the EU in the 7th, figuring if nothing else I might burn a hook spot.

Game two: 202
Balls used: Enriched Uranium, BuzzBomb/R (second frame only), Hybrid Dirty Bomb
Notes: The EU wasn't making the corner but I did seem to move a little oil around at the breakpoint. A teammate had switched to an old orange Messenger and moved outside to go down and in, and I liked his look. So I got out the HDB, jumped big to the right and went straight up 5. Strung three strikes and then had my first of seven blower 7-10s on the day, including one in the 10th to really wreck the score.

Game three: 172
Balls used: Hybrid Dirty Bomb, Tsunami H20
Notes: The lanes made a big change early in this game. For me, the worst part was that my hold area was gone. After going 4-pin, 4-7-10 split, I switched back to the Tsu, moved left again and did fine up until the 7th. From there out, I missed three single pins (4, 10, 10). Stupid. Killed a good game.

Block final: 533. I was bowling off a tournament average of 186 (current-year average is 195, one pin under the 10-pin rule), which meant I went -25 for the block. By now, the lanes were getting a little toasty but you could still get to the pocket.

Game one: 205
Balls used: BuzzBomb/R (first frame only), Supernova XP, Hybrid Dirty Bomb
Notes: After opening up with another split (2-10, this one I made), I switched off to the XP and found my best look of the day. I was able to go around the pattern, particularly on the right lane. The left lane, however, was drying out in the middle, and I ended up back in the HDB on the last two frames on that lane. Alternating different balls on each lane seemed to be working. And then...

Game two: 160
Balls used: Supernova XP, Hybrid Dirty Bomb, G-Force Evolution (10th frame only)
Notes: Big-time transition in the middle of this game. These lanes were changing much more quickly than our HPLs do back home. Now the heads were drying out. The HDB was reading too early, and the XP was losing too much energy up front to have enough to turn the corner in the back. Two blower 7-10s in this game, another missed single pin (a 10). Bad bowling.

Game three: 212
Balls used: G-Force Evolution
Notes: Pocket 4-9 in the first and then I didn't open again until the 10th, when I left a 2-8-10 to, again, foul up what could have been a nice game. The Evo was perfect for this condition, and I've never been able to wheel the Evo like this and have it peel back.

Block final: 577. So this time I was +19. That's -6 for the tournament so far.

Summary: This was a scoreable condition, and I didn't score. I walked in to see a guy throwing a Cobalt Bomb follow up a 290 with a 299. A guy three lanes over from us shot 300 with a Roto Grip Mystic and finished with 1550 scratch for six games. And I got to see a Dynamo in action for the first time -- very impressive look...a high-speed, high-rev guy.

Tomorrow, we get second shift for team, with no re-oil in between, at a different center I've never been in before.

If I had to do anything different right now, it would have been to bring something for heavier oil that I could have scored better with on the fresh. Since I don't own a Lane #1 oiler, the best bet would have been my Columbia 300 Reaction Roll. I would also have packed something for very light oil, probably my old Ebonite Matrix Conquest. There was enough overlap between the stuff I did bring that I could have done without the EU and the BuzzBomb/R.

More tomorrow.




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Re: Can't go to Nationals, so...blogging from Ala. State Tournament.
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2009, 09:51:09 PM »
Here's the team event blog:

Second day (Sunday, April 5, Lightning Strikes, lanes 37 & 38, team, second shift with no re-oil)
Oil: Probably the same 38-foot as doubles and singles. It was probably heavy-medium to start, top-hat block 5 to 5, not much taper, but by the time we got it, they were pretty broken down. Lanes are Brunswick Pro AnviLane.
Others on the pair: 1 lefty tweener, 4 right-handed strokers, 2 right-handed spinner-tweeners, 1 cranker, 1 speed-dominant low-rev guy.

Beginning notes: The guy who was next to us yesterday and shot 1550 or so was on our pair today. He was pretty much a high-rev cranker. When we got to the bowl, one of my teammates, who came up early to watch the previous shift (since there's no re-oil), told me that the previous group were pretty much high-rev guys playing all over the place. Yummy.

Game one: 174
Balls used: Tsunami H20, BuzzBomb/R, G-Force Evolution
Notes: I thought the oil had actually held up from the previous shift, but that was an illusion that disappeared about the third frame of the game. Opened with the Tsu and went spare-strike-split. There just wasn't enough miss room with that ball inside and it didn't have enough to turn the corner if I threw it out. Started sliding at 24, looking at 10 out to 5. The high-rev guys before us had burned up the hold area, so I put the ball up after the split. I took a look at the BuzzBomb/R for two frames, went Brooklyn strike-split, and put it up. Switched to the Evo in the sixth and had another split, but I liked my look better. Doubled in the 10th. Despite the low score, I had a feeling I'd found something.

Game two: 202
Balls used: G-Force Evolution
Notes: Pocket split 4-9 in the first. Most interesting thing here was that I left the 4-pin in the second frame, and shot the spare with my eyes closed -- because just before release a fly flew into my eye. First time for everything I guess. I made the spare at least. Had one split in the 6th (4-6-10) and the rest was clean. Now sliding at 30, rolling over 15 out to 5. When I missed in, the oil-allergic nature of the Evo wouldn't let it face up. Missing out would make you nervous but it was fun to watch the ball peeling back. I thought I was losing my look in the 10th (high trash strike followed by near-split 4-pin) so I committed to jumping left again in the third game. And...

Game three: 255
Balls used: G-Force Evolution
Notes: Started with the front seven, all pocket hits. By this time, on the pairs around me, I was starting to see things like neon green Ebonite Nitro/Rs, Teal Rhino Pros, even an old Hammer Berry Razor (not the Razyr, the old Razor -- look it up). The high-rev guy on my pair was now using a Brunswick "globe" Vis-a-Ball, and there were a couple of other plastic users on adjacent pairs. For me, I was having fun. I had moved to sliding at 38, was looking at 10 (rolling over 13-15) and out to 3-5. The ball was still going right at the second downlane rangefinder. If I got it 3-4 boards or more outside that rangefinder, I was OK. In the eighth, I hit the rangefinder square and thus, the ball skidded in what little puddle was left. I left the 2-5 -- and promptly chopped it for my only non-split open of the set. I then doubled ninth and 10th before leaving and converting a 4-pin. This game also called for more speed, I had my hand broken down a little and was throwing with full 90 degrees rotation and about 30 tilt, and just revving the crap out of it and watching it peel. I wouldn't want to see that shot every week but it was fun this week.


Summary: The guy that started 290-299 yesterday started 300-266 today. Plenty of people were scoring. My 631 was high on our pair but not nearly high enough to make any noise. We were never told why there wasn't any re-oiling for team as there had been for D/S. There were some upset people down at our end, especially the cranker pups who couldn't loop the ball a little.

The Evo turned out to be the best ball for this condition that I brought, and I almost benched it in favor of my HRG. I now know this is the ball I should have been using most of yesterday and had I been, I feel I would have shot better than 533/577. At least I finished on the positive side of my average (+67) for the whole thing.

I still think I needed one ball for much dryer lanes (probably an older ball that has gone mild) and an oiler for the fresh. But not having a light-oil ball made me get out of my comfort zone with the Evo and it actually worked. So as a learning experience, this was great. And we had tons of fun.



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Re: Can't go to Nationals, so...blogging from Ala. State Tournament.
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2009, 11:34:23 PM »
nice updates jess sounds frustrating and fun at the same time wonder how a chainsaw would have done?


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Re: Can't go to Nationals, so...blogging from Ala. State Tournament.
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2009, 12:01:12 AM »
nice updates jess sounds frustrating and fun at the same time wonder how a chainsaw would have done?

I asked myself that question about 100 times Saturday and thought about it a couple of times Sunday, too. It probably would have let me stay further right for longer. I think on the shot Saturday it would have been money for games 4 and 5. Sunday, I think the Evo was always the best bet. The only part of the lane in good shape by the end of the game were the backends. My laydown point and my lefty tweener teammate's laydown point were actually crossing by the end of the game. I forgot to mention above that in addition to everything else, I was lofting to the arrows on the left lane in the third game. I did some terrible bowling this week in D&S but the third game of team was probably the best single game I've thrown in a year, from an execution and planning standpoint.

I think a weak pearl would have been a good choice for my bag. I have an old AMF Ultra/C Pearl with a five-by pin position that I would have loved to have gone home and retrieved. If we had had to bowl another three games on this pair without a re-oil, I would have been throwing my XXXL Starburst shortly into the set.



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Re: Can't go to Nationals, so...blogging from Ala. State Tournament.
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2009, 02:04:54 PM »
And forgot one other thing -- the guy that went 1550 in D&S on our pair shot something like 520-550 for team. Those lanes got tough.



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Re: Can't go to Nationals, so...blogging from Ala. State Tournament.
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2009, 03:55:47 PM »

I bowled opposite you-- Team at Lighting Strikes Saturday morning and D/S at Brunswick Riverview Sunday. They did not re-oil between our double/singles session and the volume starting out was medium light, medium at best. By the 5th game, everyone was complaining. I went 170, 217, 200 the last three games, throwing a gravity shift and standing with my left foot lined up with the gutter and looping the ball out to 10 at the breakpoint. Not my comfort zone, even though I could have scored higher if I had been more confident. Started out with the front 5 in the third game and then spared the next three frames, before splitting in the 9th.

I tried the cell and momentum swing also. The momentum swing would have probably been my best look, but I have not used it enough to play that far inside and be sure that it would get back. My first shot with the cell in the first game left a beautiful pocket 7/10. No head oil, I put it up.

My first time bowling in the state tournament. Did not shoot as well as I should have, but I did shoot 77 over my average and had a lots of fun.

Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.


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Re: Can't go to Nationals, so...blogging from Ala. State Tournament.
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2009, 05:25:16 PM »
A weak pearl works wonders at Nationals. I hand taken some very aggressive stuff and tossed in my TNV (the one that died) as a spare ball at the last minute rather than plastic.

One the oil had burned (at it quickly did) the TNV was my saving grace and I mananged to cash in singles, doubles and won a bracket with it.

The Total Inferno was working well on the fresh shot and paying deep while chasing the oil..

President and founding member of Lucky Lefty's ball of the week club!!

Motto: We have more balls than you!!

One of the strokers on my team went +50 in team with an old Smokin' Inferno with lots of polish. But I'm glad we didn't have to bowl another game or two because he had just about run out of adjustment.



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Re: Can't go to Nationals, so...blogging from Ala. State Tournament.
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2009, 05:31:26 PM »

I bowled opposite you-- Team at Lighting Strikes Saturday morning and D/S at Brunswick Riverview Sunday. They did not re-oil between our double/singles session and the volume starting out was medium light, medium at best. By the 5th game, everyone was complaining. I went 170, 217, 200 the last three games, throwing a gravity shift and standing with my left foot lined up with the gutter and looping the ball out to 10 at the breakpoint. Not my comfort zone, even though I could have scored higher if I had been more confident. Started out with the front 5 in the third game and then spared the next three frames, before splitting in the 9th.

I tried the cell and momentum swing also. The momentum swing would have probably been my best look, but I have not used it enough to play that far inside and be sure that it would get back. My first shot with the cell in the first game left a beautiful pocket 7/10. No head oil, I put it up.

My first time bowling in the state tournament. Did not shoot as well as I should have, but I did shoot 77 over my average and had a lots of fun.

Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.

That sucks about no re-oil for you guys. The state really needs to get a handle on that for future tournaments.

Left seven pocket 7-10s myself this year after leaving 11 or 12 last year. I have decided to seek a trademark on that split. (g) At least I didn't leave any in team this year.



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Re: Can't go to Nationals, so...blogging from Ala. State Tournament.
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2009, 01:08:16 PM »
Game one: 174
Balls used: Tsunami H20 .... Despite the low score, I had a feeling I'd found something.

LOL I am ecstatic when I bowl a 174


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Re: Can't go to Nationals, so...blogging from Ala. State Tournament.
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2009, 02:38:41 PM »

I bowled opposite you-- Team at Lighting Strikes Saturday morning and D/S at Brunswick Riverview Sunday. They did not re-oil between our double/singles session and the volume starting out was medium light, medium at best. By the 5th game, everyone was complaining. I went 170, 217, 200 the last three games, throwing a gravity shift and standing with my left foot lined up with the gutter and looping the ball out to 10 at the breakpoint. Not my comfort zone, even though I could have scored higher if I had been more confident. Started out with the front 5 in the third game and then spared the next three frames, before splitting in the 9th.

I tried the cell and momentum swing also. The momentum swing would have probably been my best look, but I have not used it enough to play that far inside and be sure that it would get back. My first shot with the cell in the first game left a beautiful pocket 7/10. No head oil, I put it up.

My first time bowling in the state tournament. Did not shoot as well as I should have, but I did shoot 77 over my average and had a lots of fun.

Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.

That sucks about no re-oil for you guys. The state really needs to get a handle on that for future tournaments.

Left seven pocket 7-10s myself this year after leaving 11 or 12 last year. I have decided to seek a trademark on that split. (g) At least I didn't leave any in team this year.


We had to wait for about an hour while they finished oiling the lanes on Sunday afternoon. Poor planning all the way around if you ask me.

My first time bowling the state tournament, and all an all I learned quite a bit.

Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.