Hey guys,
Last night I finally had a decent night bowling. I shot a 702 series with only one open (4-10 split 6th frame last game) Ended up shooting 237, 243, 222. I only used my Tsunami the whole night. Finally realized that I was trying to turn the ball early with the sides of my fingers instead of the pads. Concentrated all night on lifting with the flats and threw the ball really well. Had a couple that I got out too early that went brooklyn and a couple that I pulled. But all in all I was hitting the pocket flush about 75% of the time. Left 4 ten pins and 2 nine pins. My used spare ball that I got from a friend really helped. Its the first night that I picked up all of my ten pins.
Now I'll have to wait and see if it was just my night or a taste of things to come. Can't wait until next week to see how it goes.
That which does not kill us strengthens us.
So do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

Member of the F.O.S.

***Super Carbide***