Layout: 3 3/8" Pin to PAP on midline.
I was able to take the Black Buzzsaw out today for a test drive on a 3rd shift house shot.
Much more ball than I expected.
Beautiful reaction, but I think there were too many dry boards out there to show what this ball really can do.
First shot out of the bag, up the 8 board, with some turn on it.
Flew off the breakpoint, crossed over and left the 1-3-6. Whoa.
Migrated in a little bit, made a small belly shot 15-7, rolled up perfect, when this ball hits, it HITS. When I touched the pocket, it was a no doubter strike.
Experimented with releases on this ball, flatter release gives this ball the read I want for a crisp house shot with too much over/under. Reads early and often, carry doesnt suffer at all from the lack of entry angle. When I turned this ball up, the read seemed to be different everytime, sometimes covering 10 boards, sometimes 7 sometimes 5. Maybe it was the new slug, not getting out clean, but with the flatter easier release, this ball is money.
I gotta give Richie credit, he started out with a real winner here, control ball for minimal buff house shots, a sorely needed ball in the Lane #1 lineup.