Nicanor, 900 Global isn't really an offshoot of Columbia and is its own company, it won't use lane 1 cores. "The Man" of 900 Global is Phil Cardinale, who once was "The Man" at Dythothane and Track, and took a position with C300 before they were bought out, and now he's forming his own company. So you'll see covers that he has the rights to make, like Soaker, not whatever was owned by the company of Columbia 300. Lane 1 is teaming up with 900 Global to get their covers poured like they've done with others. They might rehash soaker, but I'd expect to see new stuff.
At least, that's my understanding. Someone correct me if I messed something up.
- Andy
Edited on 6/21/2007 2:59 PM