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Author Topic: for themezz  (Read 11965 times)


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for themezz
« on: June 21, 2007, 05:55:38 AM »
here you all go, got this off the lane 1 website, posted by the man himself

I'm pleased to announce that Lane #1 has reached an agreement with 900 Global to manufacture our bowling balls. I want to give a big thanks to Mike Sellers and his staff for putting this new facility together, as the bowling industry needs new and fresh ideas, as well as not losing any of the knowledge that's been gained over the years. I had a great relationship with Mike and the staff at Columbia 300, so i'm glad to be associated again with him and their former employees.

The sale of Columbia 300 to Ebonite really shook up the industry, as well as Lane #1. With the dwindling down of ball manufacturers, I was pleased to hear that Mr. Sellers was preparing to upstart a new ball manufacturing facility with some of the former employees of Columbia 300.

Even though this is a new company, it really isn't. I like working with these guys because of their experience and innovation in the industry over the past 40+ years. Their quality control was impeccable. Combined with using BASF resins along with my cores, our balls seem to match perfectly to today’s environment. I'm exited to be associated with 900 Global and looking forward to continuing our great tradition of producing only the finest bowling balls as well as helping grow 900 Global to be a staple in the industry.

I'd like to thank all of our customers for being patient with our decision. Everyone, have a great summer and hope you all look forward to our new ball designs for the upcoming season. Thank you.

Richie Sposato
President/CEO Lane #1



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Re: for themezz
« Reply #31 on: June 22, 2007, 04:56:10 AM »
Yeah, and I wished I could have said this 2 days ago when I knew it first hand

Does Dave make anyone else chuckle?

"On-base percentage is great if you can score runs and do something with that on-base percentage.  Clogging up the bases isn't that great to me. The problem we have to address more than anything is the home run problem."
~Dusty Baker being a total fool
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Re: for themezz
« Reply #32 on: June 22, 2007, 08:29:37 AM »
Does Dave make anyone else chuckle?

My thoughts exactly...
Visionary Test Staff Member '07-'08


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Re: for themezz
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2007, 08:33:29 AM »
Gee, he said 900Global was a possibility? There's a stretch!
Texas is neither southern nor western. Texas is Texas - Senator William Blakley

Well given that he dogged the other possibilities I'd say it's impressive.

I'd be more impressed if he inserted his finger in his butt, pulled it out, smelled it and exclaimed, "STRAWBERRY!"

Johnny Carson could have Karnac'ed that guess from the grave.
Texas is neither southern nor western. Texas is Texas - Senator William Blakley


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Re: for themezz
« Reply #34 on: June 22, 2007, 10:04:23 AM »
Yeah you'll still be able to get most things done as you normally would, but the other guys have stuff that costs almost half the price and is putting out more performance(arguably).

DP3: First, anyone who pays that much more for Lane#1 equipment should have their wallet revoked for purchasing incompetence. Getting Lane#1 for reasonable prices is nothing new if you have a couple of active brain cells still functioning.

If you don't get the Lane#1 performance difference, you're in the wrong forum. Old or not, the base diamond core design works, and that why it continues to live on. I don't see anyone ragging on Porsche because the base body has retained it's fundamental shape for over 40 years. If you think you can find superior performance elsewhere at a cheaper price, then you're lurking in the wrong place.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see what cover/core combinations emerge from all this. Phil and Richie are two of the most innovative guys in the industry, and it should result in some interesting developments.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"


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Re: for themezz
« Reply #35 on: June 22, 2007, 11:03:17 AM »
Maybe I'm crazy, or I just haven't had enough of the "juice" yet.  But after my limited years in the pro shop business and the thousands of balls I've drilled up for people up and down the mid-atlantic and northeast coast, I have yet to see a case where a "Lane 1" will matchup better to someone over another ball.  I have no problem selling someone something they want, but when it comes to something they need, I'm not going to push something that costs $279 over a Raw Hammer Doom, or T-Road Pearl that is going to MATCH UP better for the bowler.  You made a case for evening wet-drys, but that can be done with just about any ball and the right layout/surface prep.  When it comes to something I have to SELL for whomever I'm working for, I'm going to make sure the customer is satisfied at all cost and not just throw out some generic claims to try and justify them paying more than they should for what they need.

Sure the hype intrigues many people and after they get one of the balls and throw a few strikes/messengers with it they feed into it, but I never have and never will say "Company A's" balls are better than "Company B's" balls because they "hit harder/hook harder/shoot more honor scores" than others because it simply isn't true.

The end of my side....
-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop


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Re: for themezz
« Reply #36 on: June 22, 2007, 11:28:28 AM »
I have yet to see a case where a "Lane 1" will matchup better to someone over another ball.
I guess all balls are the same..? A diamond core rolls the same as every other core..? If that's the case, then you're absolutely correct. =:^D


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Re: for themezz
« Reply #37 on: June 22, 2007, 11:29:51 AM »
DP3: I'm not trying to get into a contest with you on the subject, but trying to clarify misconceptions that that never seem to die.......

I'm not going to push something that costs $279 over a Raw Hammer Doom, or T-Road Pearl that is going to MATCH UP better for the bowler.

$279 over for a Saw????? I've never paid more than $220 out the door for ball/drilling/grips/slugs. And I'm not conducting business in dark alleys with illegally purchased inventory. You either haven't actually dealt with Lane#1 equipment, or there is something terribly out of whack with your pricing structure.

You made a case for evening wet-drys, but that can be done with just about any ball and the right layout/surface prep.  

Maybe, but not always easy to do. The base symmetric diamond core is very low RG (getting to be more of a rarity in a bowling world addicted to asymmetric and high RG skip/flip). The result is a consistently smooth roll that minimizes over/under. I can almost guarantee the this with a Lane#1. For other brands, it's sometimes a crap shoot.  

When it comes to something I have to SELL for whomever I'm working for, I'm going to make sure the customer is satisfied at all cost and not just throw out some generic claims to try and justify them paying more than they should for what they need.

The 'claims' are certainly generic if you don't have extensive experience with the line. That means impressions based on more than feeding into the 'frenzy' because they've thrown a messenger strikes. I've never claimed that Lane#1 is for everyone, but it does produce a reaction that is a little different, and 'different' can sometimes be preferable to some bowlers.

You're probably a very competent driller, but you seem to be making value judgements on a line of balls you have little real experience with. If you think you have to charge your customers $279 more for Lane#1 than a competing line, I can understand why.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"


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Re: for themezz
« Reply #38 on: June 22, 2007, 11:47:17 AM »
Single ball pricing from Lane 1 direct is very high for shops that do not buy in on the specials, if you are buying from a shop that buys into the purchase deals it comes out to be about 25-30 higher than other balls.

So i have heard of 279 drilled for lane1 bowling balls, i know of operators that were getting 309 plus grips and thumb slug when the lane1 guarantee was ineffect about 7 years ago with the first Carbide's.


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Re: for themezz
« Reply #39 on: June 22, 2007, 11:48:49 AM »
 While I have never worked in a pro shop and don't have your experience in drilling,I do have many years of bowling under my belt as do most of us here.I'm not making any claims that I'm a better bowler than you either.
 When it comes to Lane#1,I was intrigued at first and decided to try one of them.I still have my Uranium Pearl and use it,WHEN THE CONDITIONS WARRANT.I,like many other bowlers,have my favorite equipment.I've thrown honor scores with stuff from most major companies.
 For me,the Lane #1 stuff I used seemed to give me a better carry than other stuff,and DID give me the most CONSISTENT year I had had in a long time.No huge scores,but better and more even scoring.I was able to improve my lane reading ability using their equipment.
 I have moved on to using the majority of Ebonite stuff,but still have the U-Pearl and use it.Again,when the condidions warrant.
 I won't sit here and say anything about your pro shop because I'm not in the business,and it wou'd not be right for me to do so.

 Lane#1--nothing else hits like 'em.


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Re: for themezz
« Reply #40 on: June 22, 2007, 12:08:13 PM »
Single ball pricing from Lane 1 direct is very high for shops that do not buy in on the specials, if you are buying from a shop that buys into the purchase deals it comes out to be about 25-30 higher than other balls.

bowlingnut: A sane response. I try to stay in tune with timing on specials and other incentive deals, so the differences in price with other equipment tends to be minimal.

I'm not going to lose sleep over paying 25-30 dollars more for something that I want. That's usually about the amount that goes toward side pots and brackets in a week, so the difference is a nit.

But I can understand DP3's position if he feels he has to charge high retail to his customers. In that case, I'd probably shy from the Lane#1, accept the stereotypes, and take the attitude that it's 'just another ball'.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"


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Re: for themezz
« Reply #41 on: June 22, 2007, 12:39:15 PM »
We don't have to charge high retail to our customers, but there is a base percentage that we markup on all of our equipment.  If we want to order (one) Lane #1 ball, we have to go direct and pay in upwards of $169-179 for their high end equipment(not much less than buddies online), then when you tag on shipping from NY, there's no way we can make a buck on the ball selling it for $220 out the door.  It's not really fair when you're spending nearly an hour bestowing your knowledge on a customer on what various balls do and what and why "x" ball will fit their game.  The reason you can get a Lane 1 ball so cheap is because your shop is probaly buying into the Buy 4 get 1 free and buy 16 get 4 free specials, therefore they can lower prices and evenly disperse profit.

Now if I know, for what my customer is asking for that a mid priced ball from another manufacturer is going to suit them better, IS IT FAIR TO ME AND THEM to sell them something they don't really need and take a loss out of my pocket on my hard work and labor when I have expenses, rent to pay, and try to make a profit on top of that?  We're not in the business to sell wolf tickets.  We're here to help bowlers, educate bowlers, and try to make a profit(MY WHAT A CONCEPT!) at the same time.  

Just try and rationalize this.  A 200avg bowler, bowls 2 nights a week in the same house, has 5 balls, just wants a new ball for his THS that hasn't changed in 6 years.  He's been on ballreviews and is thinking about a Lane 1 that will cost him in the neighborhood of $259-279.  After 30-45 minutes of getting education on different equipment that matches up better to his style and what he's bowling on, he's talked into a ball in the $149-169 range and is just as satisfied and loves the ball.  WHY AM I WRONG?  I'd be a devil for just saying, "Oh yeah, lets order you that Lane 1, it's going to roll better, hit harder, and outperform anything else on the market.  Just give me your $260 + grips and slug, and have a nice day!"  That's not what I do.
-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop

Edited on 6/22/2007 12:46 PM


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Re: for themezz
« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2007, 01:23:11 PM »
then when you tag on shipping from NY,
It's my understanding that shipping is free with Lane #1. Maybe someone else can chime in here on this.
He's been on ballreviews and is thinking about a Lane 1 that will cost him in the neighborhood of $259-279.
The ball is pretty much already sold. You don't have to spend 30-45 minutes selling him on something different, trying to save your customer money. If a customer walks into a car dealer and wants a Mercedes, and can afford it, why would you waste your time trying to sell him a cheaper model that might or might not do the same thing..? When you do this, you actually lose money on the deal, by wasting your time..!! Time is money. Just get him what he wants.
After 30-45 minutes of getting education on different equipment that matches up better to his style and what he's bowling on, he's talked into a ball in the $149-169 range and is just as satisfied and loves the ball.
Why would a lower price ball match up better..? Are you such a good driller that you can't get a Lane #1 ball to match up with your customer..?

He's been on ball reviews, reading and learning about different equipment. He'll be just as happy getting the ball he wants even if it cost's a bit more. And maybe, just maybe, a Lane #1 diamond core ball will roll more consistent, giving him an increase in average of 5-10 pins or maybe bowling his high game or series..? Lane #1 balls also hold their resale value better than other company's stuff. That's worth the extra money and he got what he originally came into the shop for.

But who am I to question how you run your business. =:^D

Edited on 6/22/2007 1:25 PM


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Re: for themezz
« Reply #43 on: June 22, 2007, 01:28:27 PM »
DP3: You're a business person above all else, and you have every right to ensure you get an adequate return on your time and investment. Clearly, if you don't, you won't be in business for very long.

However, where I think we have the disconnect is related to the following:

After 30-45 minutes of getting education on different equipment that matches up better to his style and what he's bowling on, he's talked into a ball in the $149-169 range and is just as satisfied and loves the ball.

Given that Lane#1 is an insignificant part of your business (I'm going out on an limb here and assuming that based on the tone of your posts), you really don't know how a given Lane#1 ball will match up. You're probably an expert on Hammers, Ebonites, Storms, etc. because they're high volume products for you, but Lane#1? Given little if any experience with the different diamond and bomb cores, determining if there is potential 'match up' is not really possible.  

So you take the safe route and go with what you're familiar with. And who's to blame you? My driller gets Lane#1 for me because I ask (and acknowledges the match-up for me), but is reluctant to go down that path with his other customers for reasons you stated.

It's OK to go with what you're most familiar with; it's the part about automatically assuming that Lane#1 won't match up better that's disturbing. If you told the customer instead that you appreciate his interest in Lane#1 but you don't know enough about the line to make professional recommendation, that would be something else.....
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"


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Re: for themezz
« Reply #44 on: June 22, 2007, 01:49:45 PM »
When I worked for another shop I was actually 'forced' to push lane 1s as they made up a large percentage of our inventory(thats how I know about the pricing structure).  And the biggest complaint we were receiving is that they rolled too early on the house pattern(s) to get out the corners.  After consulting with the owner enough and getting full command of inventory we slowly weeded out the Lane 1s and went with other companies that matched up better to the players in the area.  As a result, ball sales went up(especially w/ Storm & Ebonite).  Then when a new owner bought the shop then that's when I cut my ties with them.

Trust me, I'm not some idiot making blind assumptions about "your" company.  I have owned 4 Lane 1's myself and spend half of my senior year of college drilling them to anyone that came through the shop and had the money to spend for them.  I'm not here to tarnish no one's bad name, but when I see a false claim I'm not going to let that slide.  If you want anymore personal information as to what shop this was, where it was located, names of customers, volumes, oil patterns, graphs etc......I'll try my best to provide whatever I can remember.  You said yourselves that you are not in the pro shop business...While I am no King of the Mill, Presicion, Ric Hamlin, Mo Pinel, or the other great names of the game with 20+ years, I do think my countless hours and years of training under some of the best and 5+ years experience drilling for some of the best should hold just a little tiny bit of weight around here.
-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop

Edited on 6/22/2007 1:50 PM


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Re: for themezz
« Reply #45 on: June 22, 2007, 01:54:41 PM »
Shades of Jabroni?

come one guys this post is about Lane #1 going to global 900 for their coverstocks not over whether a shop can make money selling lane 1

on a side note, any purchase from lane 1 over 100$ has free shipping, visionary offers free shipping but most distributors dont unless you are ordreing 500$ at a time.  A good shop can and does sell lane 1 at the same price as other high end balls and still makes money at it (DP if you need a business model on that drop me a note and i will show you how we do it)

but enough of cost, lane #1 is moving on to a new cover stock provider, with the 40 years or so of experience with the BASF resins, this should indeed be a great venture for lane #1


F.O.S Loud, F.O.S. Proud

Lane #1 Baby