so I go to the shop today to throw my freshly drilled Ravage, when my buddy (shop owner) asks if I would be interested in any 16Lb equipment. I said not normally, but what do you have in mind. He said I have a ball thats been sitting here with no interest from anyone. Its a Cherry Bomb, not Black Cherry, just the normal Cherry Bomb. He says he will put a thumbhole in it, cause its plugged now, and the fingers already fit mine. He said, gimme $10 for it, and its yours. If you don't like it, we put it back on the shelf....he just needs it out of there. I said sure....why not.
So what can I expect from a Cherry Bomb. This is my first ever L1 ball so I have no idea how they roll. The pin is swung out about 2 1/2 right of the ring finger, CG in the palm. Let me know. I am gonna take it whether I like it or not, cause thats just to good of a deal to pass up. He also let me throw the Hawg Wild he got in also. That is one angular ball I tell you!! Next week he is letting me throw The One, which he just go in today. And of anyone wondered what the GB in the GB10.7 coverstock stood means "Good Business" seriously. LOL!
Let me know what I can expect from the Cherry Bomb though. My style of play is in my profile. Thanks!