OK, a buddy of mine bought a G-Force. He threw it for about 5 games, didn't like it and he passed it along to me in mutual trade. I had it plugged and re-drilled for me(he was righty, I am a lefty). I don't remember the drilling off the top of my head and do not have ball readily available to look at since I'm at work. However, every time I throw the ball it never seems to roll quite right. I can get it to HOOK up to the pocket but I can't get it to ROLL into the pocket. I can hit the pocket but it only seems the throw pins around leaving goofy stuff at times. I can't seem to get it to roll up and face the pocket and drive all ten into the pit. Does anyone else have this issue with any of their lane #1 stuff? Because this ball is first lane #1 ball so I do not know if it is me or equipment just doesn't fit my game. Thanks.