Thought it would be nice for everyone to read here...If he really means what he says, then maybe we'll see a difference in Jabroni too..?
Posted: 2/11/2007 4:28 PM
I posted a topic in here about a week ago in very poor taste. It was not meant in the way it was taken, and that is my fault. I have caused many relationships to be strained, including many personal with me. I did not mean to directly harm anyone, personally or professionaly. Intentions sometimes fall far from reality, as in this case.
I apologize to anyone that read that post and saw my childish behavior. It was stupid and wreckless, and I have learned a very...very...hard lesson. I have made many friends through the sport of bowling, some of which I lost because of my actions on here. To those people I can only tell you that I am truly sorry.
I can only say that what was posted here won't happen again, and that my actions have been changed for the future. Sometimes we don't realize how petty little jabs and jokes will be taken in the public arena, and once they are put in print, they cannot be undone. I have learned this lesson, and will not allow it to happen again.
I once again apologize to anyone that read this, and especially anyone that was hurt or affected by this, and hope everyone understands that I am not a bad person, only made a very poor choice.
Randy Russell
The truth....the cold...hard....truth.