My experiences...
Solid G-Force:
Drilled Label 1:30 (pin 3.5" from PAP).
Ball is way too early on THS. That said, I did very well with it on the PBA Shark pattern and also on the TOC pattern (50 feet!!!). I will leave it as is and rely on it only for long/heavy patterns. I know some have polished it up and/or drilled it weak, but I have other balls to cover those
G-Force Nebula:
Drilled pin under ring (4.5" from PAP), CG out, X-hole 2" down on VAL.
Ball picks up nicely in the midlane on a heavy-ish THS. Breakpoint shape is a very strong arc. Great over/under.
G-Force Evolution:
Drilled pin over bridge (5" from PAP), CG out, X-hole beyond PAP.
Medium to light THS...stand left, throw right. Skid/flip. Long and strong. If you are on top of your game, this ball is money. If you are having "one of those days", this ball will make you look like a real asshat. Don't get me wrong...the ball is awesome when I am repeating shots. However, when I am having speed issues, I battle the dreaded over/under in a big way. It's a pearl thing.
In closing, the two new balls are a great 1-2 punch. The solid G-force is a good addition if you need something on the very heavy end. I have used all three quite a bit since they have been released and have witnessed no loss of performance from any of them. I just clean them after every set (like every ball I use). I do not regret picking up any of them. You just need to know when to use them.
Jon (in Ohio)
F.O.S. Proud Saw user...see profile.