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Author Topic: Golden Nugget review in BTM  (Read 2280 times)


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Golden Nugget review in BTM
« on: December 27, 2003, 12:39:10 AM »
Being the rabble rouser that I am -

I am surprised that the Lane#1 community is not up in arms over this review. Basically the review says it
- goes longer,
- hooks less overall,
- has more backend
- is usable on less oil, and
- is usable on more dry than the Black Chery Bomb.

I believe all 5 of these charactertistics are exactly the opposite of the Lane#1 "clique" said about the Golden Nugget, when compared to the BCB.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

FWIW I have not bought a Golden Nugget because as far as I can tell it is exactly what my Riot Zone still is.
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Re: Golden Nugget review in BTM
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2003, 04:14:52 PM »
Charlest, regardless if it is opposite of the Lane 1 Clique or not, I love what it says, if it is all true because it sounds a lot like the conditions I bowl on. I have this ball on order from Doug Sterner and it was supposed to be shipped to OK. yesterday. (waiting on tracking no.)

"IF" this ball is what BTM says it is, then with my XXXL, Emerald, and this ball, I should be able to meet any conditions where I bowl unless they would start dumping more oil on the lanes.

There are two things to the "IF" however:

1. Sometimes BTM is wrong and a ball that was supposed to work for me didn't and ditto on a ball that wasn't supposed to work for me, did.

2. The Blueberry is supposed to be such a great ball, adjustable, versatile, and etc. and everyone is screaming because it was discontinued and wants it back, but not me unless my third drilling on it will work. The numbers say it should have matched up for me just like the Golden Nugget numbers say it will match up for me.

Sometimes, some balls for reasons unknown, simply won't match up to some people.

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Re: Golden Nugget review in BTM
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2003, 04:48:04 PM »

I have more ball speed than most, and this ball IS NOT more usable on dry lanes period.  Yes it goes longer, and the hook is a stronnnnng arch, but it does hook more than the BCB, and it saves it for the back due to the pearl cover.  BG221 had it rightly, BTM is not ALWAYS right, as their testers are diferent than everyone.  All BTM is for is for a starting point, to give one an idea of the ball's reaction, we then ask others who have used it, and we consider ALL the input.  Evev if a ball gets rave reviews from BTM and 75% of bowlers, it might still not work for a certain individual, BUT one cannot blame those who said it was awesome.  

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Re: Golden Nugget review in BTM
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2003, 06:25:40 PM »

Based on a bunch of balls that I have used and that BTM has tested, I can guarantee that their "DRY" is everyone else's medium-light and their "OIL" is everyone else's medium-heavy. I think this is a major fault/problem with their reviews. I definitely like their using different bowlers to test the balls.
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Re: Golden Nugget review in BTM
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2003, 08:52:01 PM »
Jimmy T,

I feel they have lost track of their some of their goals, but they are making tons of honest effort.
* Their columns, especially Denny Torgerson, Rolf Gauer, MoPinel, Susie Minshew, Bill Hall and Dr. Hinitz, are all first rate.
* Their heart's in the right place.
* This is not an easy task; so keep on making suggestions in a POLITE manner.
* Ball reviews are a very difficult task. Look at all the crticisms we make on the reviews here.  

ALso remember this is the best bowling magazine out there (as far as I am concerned). And there are more knitting magazines and tattooing magazines than there are bowling magazines. Sadly, this is true.

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Re: Golden Nugget review in BTM
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2003, 12:57:05 AM »
And I will respectfully disagree about the quality and objectivity of BTM. I have back issues from 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2001 - every 2002 and 2003 issue, and in my opinion they are just as good and informative and 'accurate' as always. Their reviews are unbiased, and they are THE ONLY SOURCE for comparisons of one company's ball line against another. They're doing a fine job. Obviously, our likes and dislikes will vary from person to person, so some of us will like some articles that others will dislike. Furthermore, some of us will get 'ticked off' when BTM gives our 'favorite' ball a review that we disagree with (after all we're human), but all in all they do a fine job.


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Re: Golden Nugget review in BTM
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2003, 01:43:27 AM »
Just to steer the topic back on course a bit.  I just got a GN for christmas and have thrown for about 10-15 games in comparison with my BCB.  I can say for a fact that the review was absolutely true for me.  The GN definitely goes longer than the BCB which was something I was having trouble with on the BCB.  The backend was definitely stronger on the GN but later.  I haven't tried it yet on dry conditions, but my guess is it will be much better to use.  I've had my BCB burn up whenever I try to throw it on dry.  

BTW, the games I've played on were on a medium-heavy house shot.  Nothing reallt difficult.  Just my experience.   I have both balls laid out the same, so the points of comparison are fairly decent.  I'll write up a review in a month or so after getting some more diverse experience.  


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Re: Golden Nugget review in BTM
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2003, 02:56:06 PM »
i'll bet that if there were three lane #1 full page ads every month, the review of the GN and several other buzzsaws would have been alot better.  they've never done an impartial review of a lane #1 ball, and some of the reviews of ebonite equipment just make me want to barf.  the highest rating i've ever seen for a ball is the ebonite intensity . . . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

i've only had a subscription for 2 years, so i cannot comment on how much the magazine has changed since bob summerville's death.

i do know that i could read a bill taylor article the size of "war and peace" and still wouldn't learn a darn thing about how to bowl better.

anyway, i don't think the reviewers are unbiased, and i think there's alot of politics involved with "who writes what" for the magazine.  i can't wait for my subscription to run out.
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Edited on 12/28/2003 3:55 PM
That which does not kill me makes me stronger . . .


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Re: Golden Nugget review in BTM
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2003, 02:56:17 PM »
Let's move this BTM discussion over to the Miscellaneous area. I'll start it.


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Re: Golden Nugget review in BTM
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2003, 03:45:33 PM »
The Power Diesel has a better review then the Golden Nugget and Anormaly. Anr its cheaper.


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Re: Golden Nugget review in BTM
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2003, 09:12:21 PM »
Borin, If I was you, I would go buy it then and enjoy it and then you won't have to complain about prices.
My Golden Nugget Buzzsaw will be here Jan 6th.  
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away"