I've got a Supernova XP coming, 15 pounds, 2-3 pin, 3-4 top. I'm trying to put it between a Tsunami H20 and a G-Force Evolution. Of those two, the Tsunami handles more oil; my Evo is for lighter oil shots. Both my Tsunami and my Evo are drilled label.
I'm quite fond of label on the Diamond-cored and WAS-cored balls, but this is my first experience with the Supernova series. I'd like it to be as clean or cleaner through the fronts than my Evo, but smoother off the spot and stronger than the Evo. My Evo right now clears heads well but can get jumpy off the spot, and also doesn't like it when the heads and mids start to go.
If it's possible to do what I'm looking to do with the XP, please offer up suggestions. Suggesting another label drill is just fine, if it works.
Also, PAP was 4 over 3/8 up the last time I checked, but I'm moving back to a wrist brace, when tends to make my PAP want to shift to the 5 over range.