Went to the pro shop and had it drilled up today. Unfortunately, with my two leagues taking a 2 week holiday hiatus and Christmas coming up, I am not going to have the opportunity to throw it for awhile. Besides my two leagues, I am the sixth man on a team in a third league that has not needed me yet this year...until next Tuesday. So, Tuesday I get to try it out. I haven't bowled in this particular house this year, so I won't be able to come up with much comparative information, but I have every reason to expect the EU to be effective there. I can't wait to find out.
Another comment...The EU is listed as being "highly polished." I don't see it that way. I had the chance to examine several of them, and they appear to me to be at about a 1500 grit finish, lightly polished--at the most. None of the ones I examined were what I would call highly polished--not by either the reflectivity of the surface, or by the feel of the surface. Not that it matters, particularly--it is just another example of the subjectivity of the phrase "highly polished" when it comes to bowling balls.
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top