I need to apologize..
first towards the H2O which is absolutly innocent

then to the lane staff... the layout was not their idea as I found out but the idea of the local club members that use that center as homeground...
and I found out what layout they use... by taking a look... by throwing the right ball like I should (Machine kept tight with more speed taking advantage of the inside oil and the strong backend)...and actually asking about the graph of the pattern

they layout is as follows:
38ft of medium-heavy oil
the first 3 feet the oil is like on a ths then the first five boards are just blank! No real oil... of course there is a bit of oil... but just for lane protection... that's why I can play my XXXL there with such a big hook
then the inner boards... 6R-6L is pure oil... just a block of oil till ft 38 with just a little buff till 38ft no blend... just a block!
phew... no wonder the H2O never worked.
It resposes so strong to any dry board it is futile to play the ball on fresh lanes there though the lanes seem dry outside and on those strong backends...
but inside... the lanes is oily as can be... so the transfer from wet to dry is so sudden the H2O gives no room for error at all!
I played the Machine today... from standing 30 sending the ball to ten (STAY away from the ouside.,.. never get into the dry!) and watch is grab on the midlane till the end of the pattern and then just make the 7 boards towards the pocket... plus I increased speed and shot a very good 187 average (5 games) with a lowgame of 155 and a highgame of 211! (I generated room... even as much as I have at the older center.)
Once I knew the part of the lane I had to play and how to adjust with speed and hook (no need for a big hook there! the ball will make its turn on the backend for sure!) it all worked out.
So... trying to use the H2O on those lanes while they are fresh it is just a dumb user error! MY ERROr!
Thanks for any tips!
so... now the story:
I saw the club president (of the club that has chosen that center as new homeground) while leaving as he went to his car (not my club... we have the old center as homeground) and shouted to him: "Nice tricky oil you have there!" (with a friendly and joking voice!).
Now you must know that this club left the old center as there has been a "conflict" in house league... but I was not involved! I even didn't know what had happened etc. All I knew was there was shouting etc.... childish from what I heard... but:
so this team left the house league and as the teamcaptain is the club president of one of the local clubs it seems that he took the whole club with him.
so... I shouted to him the above statement and got this as answer with a rather harsh and aggressive voice:
"That is NOT our oil! Wait till autumn then you will see a tricky oil!"
well nevertheless all people at the old center are used to play down and in... I do as well there... best way to play those lanes.
When they get at the new center there and play that line as they are use to do they will get o/u (as I did) to the max.
all play shiny pearl balls with big backend hook setup (weak backends at the old house... BWB, TNV, one plays an AI... but most balls are rather weaker coverstocks for down and in with strong backend hooks...)... but you need a smooth roller to play suffcient at the new center
and when they really change the oil completely then for winter league (which is an official league!) it will get real funny as all people I know don't train there... they stay at the old house.
And I bet they will suck then in winter!
Well... I will sent out a warning and how to attack those lanes... I shot two 200 today and that is very good right now for me.
story will continue
Sebastian Koch
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Edited on 7/4/2008 3:52 PM