Something to consider about Brunswick...
Ever since the move south of the border, there have been production issues down there. Too much time spent pouring balls; factory isn't nearly as efficient as what they had in the U.S.
So if you're Brunswick, what's the first thing you kick to the curb if you can't get your own stuff out the door fast enough to meet demand? Your vendor balls, of course.
Back in December 2005, I went to order a MoRich Total Shock & Awe. I either ordered it the last week of December or the first couple of weeks of January, I can't remember which. Placed my order with an online store. Late January, nothing -- no shipping numbers, anything like that. So I call them. Turns out there's a six-week backlog on MoRich TS&As. That puts ship-out sometime in early March, but the lady said to call back in a week and see if things had changed.
So I call back a week later, and yep, they'd changed -- to April. I asked for a refund and got it.
About this same time, my local pro shop started having problems getting the new Inferno balls. Their distributor was trying to stall them but wasn't giving them a clear answer. They later found out it was related to production issues.
That's the same thing that drove DynoThane from Storm to Columbia. If Columbia has the ability to deliver a good product in a timely fashion, it's not a surprise that Lane #1 would listen.