Well I suppose Ill add my thoughts to this. First off I do agree that morich, lane 1 and VBP are all niche type companies. I have thrown many morich balls and they are by far my favorite, now these balls cost the same as lane 1 and the only reason they are on TV is WRW face it you put a Lane 1 in his hands and he would probably score with it as well it is all who holds the ball. Also Ive only thrown the xxxl but if the rest of the diamonds carry as good as well as that ball does why wouldnt people throw saws? Finally my local shop charges about 200-220 drilled for lane 1 and morich are just a little cheaper BUT VBP cost an arm and a leg locally those cost up to 250 all prices are drilled out the door. Now the sauces locally cost 225, the magic is also 200+ and I can get the levrg series for cheaper as well as many lane 1 balls. So why havent you trolled the ebo forums? I know people who are everybit as bad if not worse about anticipating the new balls, same goes for roto, storm, Bruns, and ALL your other companies. I think what it boils down to is all you lane 1 trolls come in here just cause you cant stand being different you want it to be like the 50s where everybody used 1 of 3 rubber balls and called it good.... Lastly being a big fan of Mo, VBP, and Lane 1 balls I get a lot of flack from my brother(lives in texas and throws the ebo family of balls) he calls all my mo,and lane 1 balls yank balls and says the same about VBP so would you call him an ebo fanboy?