Here it goes. I've never owned a lane #1 ball... Now that you're done scolding your computer screen at me, I'll get onto the topic

I've never owned a Lane #1 ball, nor have I really even looked into their equipment. For the most part, I have been throwing Morich and Brunswick equipment. Here's the thing. I'm in need of help selecting a Lane #1 ball to get. Right now, the thing missing in my equipment is something I can use right out of the gate. I'm finding that I'm having to move farther and farther right everywhere I go, and I'm getting slammed throughout the day with everyone swinging out to my line.
Here's a breakdown of my equipment at the moment.
I have a Morich Total Shock & Awe, Morich Weapon of Mass Bias, and a Brunswick Ultimate Inferno all drilled up with the drilling in the pictures below. When I was told about the drilling, my friend told me it was called "Flip Leverage" if that helps. It gives me a great, even reaction, and doesn't "flip" oddly enough. More of a smooth transition to the pocket. also own a Nighthawk torque with a pin that's about 3 inches out that had 3 oz top before drilling. I drilled it up with the pin above the ring finger and everything @ 12:00.
I'm getting the Lane #1 ball to replace my original Inferno, which doesn't seem to react the same way twice anymore.
I really like the look of the diagram of the Enriched Uranium on the Lane #1 site, but I have some doubt that I'll be able to get that kind of reaction. I have high speed and high revs, and most equipment I throw doesn't get any kind of reaction that is "the norm" for the ball. I have some videos up here, because I'm sure this would give you all a better idea of what I mean. is the fourth or fifth shot I threw with the total shock & awe right after I got it drilled up. is another shot of it leaving a four pin.
That's basically where I'm wanting to play at from the first game of a fresh oil shot. Something that moves a lot, but doesn't go from strike to a 4-6 in a matter of frames...
Any suggestions or other items needed to get a better read?
Member of the St. Louis, Missouri YABA
MORE Speed =
LESS time to
PANICCurrent Arsenal:
MoRich Weapon of Mass Bias,
MoRich Total Shock & Awe, Brunswick Inferno, ,
Ebonite Eyeball,
Brunswick Ultimate Infero, and
AMF Nighthawk Torque Pearl.